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Plot. Definition Series of events that make up the action of a story What happens in the story Designed to create high levels of suspense/anticipation.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot. Definition Series of events that make up the action of a story What happens in the story Designed to create high levels of suspense/anticipation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot

2 Definition Series of events that make up the action of a story What happens in the story Designed to create high levels of suspense/anticipation for readers Anticipation compels reader to read the story

3 Parts of a Plot Opening or Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Conclusion or Resolution

4 Opening/Exposition Beginning of a story Characters are introduced Setting is introduced Problem is hinted at Designed to attract readers to story

5 Rising Action Comprises most of the story Problem develops & complications arise Problem becomes more and more complex until character must try to solve it Character usually makes several unsuccessful attempts to deal with the problem, often causing the problem to get even worse

6 Climax The problem has become so large & complex that the character must take drastic action to overcome the problem The point in the story where the character is forced to confront the problem & get it solved Tends to be most exciting & dramatic part of the story

7 Falling Action Falling off of the action after the climax Unraveling of the plot Leads reader to the end of the story

8 Conclusion/Exposition The part of the plot where readers find out how the story ends—what happens to the character Three ways the story can end:  Character overcomes problem  Problem overcomes character  Character doesn’t solve problem, but rather learns to live with it

9 Plot Pattern climax rising falling action action expositon resolution

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