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Third Grade A Year of Mental, Physical and Emotional Growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade A Year of Mental, Physical and Emotional Growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade A Year of Mental, Physical and Emotional Growth

2 Responsibilities of a 3 rd Grader Students take responsibility for their own education. Kids make mistakes…let them learn from these mistakes! (on graded work they can earn ½ the points back if fixed and returned) final grade is circled letting you know it is final. Kids are responsible for their day.

3 WSFCS System Wide Grading Scale 90-100A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 59 and belowF Grades determined by: 20% tests 25% quizzes 30% class work 15% General 10% participation Participation is defined as: *Students should be active listeners *Students should volunteer in the classroom and within their groups *Students should respectfully engage their peers *Students should take turns *Students should mentally challenge themselves and their peers

4 Science Body Systems Plants and Soil Matter, Energy, and Forces and Motion Earth in the Universe

5 Social Studies Five Themes of Geography Citizenship, Government and Markets History of Local and Regional Communities Diversity in Communities

6 Celebrations Winter Celebration End of the Year Party/Field Day Birthdays Celebrated at lunch (21 students)

7 Communication & Collaboration Newletter is emailed weekly, from home you can access Moby Max and study ladder Tuesday Folders, yellow envelopes with graded work-return after corrected, portfolio of student’s work from throughout the year On-going student progress on line (Power School) Planners E-Mail Addresses available on Meadowlark Website Conferences starting in October

8 A Year to Learn A Year to Grow

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