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Greaser:_____________________ Quote from text: Synthesis statement: Summary: Quote from text: NAME: _______________.

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Presentation on theme: "Greaser:_____________________ Quote from text: Synthesis statement: Summary: Quote from text: NAME: _______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greaser:_____________________ Quote from text: Synthesis statement: Summary: Quote from text: NAME: _______________

2 Rough Draft Greaser:_____________________ Quote from text: Synthesis Statement: Summary: Quote from text:

3 I can summarize and use text to demonstrate my understanding of a character. Directions: The first chapter in The Outsiders gives specific details about each Greaser. Today, you will be assigned one Greaser to carefully examine. Now, you will create a caricature illustration and give text-based evidence of the qualities or traits that character posses. What to include on your final copy: 1. A colorful full body picture of the character. 2. Write the character name at the top. 3. Around the character’s body, include: a. Two quotes directly from the text (at least 3 words) that relate to your character and b. One summary statement to describe your character. c. 1 synthesis statement – Take your characters qualities and now synthesize the kind of person they are. (Use characteristics in your statement such as greedy, selfish, honest, dedicated) 4. Writing on your final copy should be in ink. 5. Use the Greaser Character Chart in your folder. 6. The final copy will go inside your under the chart we stapled in. My Greaser is:__________________________________ Name: __________________ Due on : __________

4 Reading - Analyzing Information : The Outsiders Caricature Teacher Name: Ms. Kilga Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORYABCD Text Reference Student accurately applies the text information to the specific character throughout the assignment. 20-19 points ____________________ Student 85% of the time applies the text information to the specific character. 18 -16 points ___________________ Student 75-70% of the time applies the text information to the specific character. 15- 14 points ___________________ Student struggles to apply the texts to the character. It is attempted but less than 70% of the time 13- points __________________ Portrait/Title Student accurately portrayed the character with 3 or more details and had their name as a title. 10 points __________________ Student portrayed the character with 2 or more details and had their name as a title. 8 points ___________________ Student portrayed the character with but could have added more physical details to the character. 7 points __________________ Student attempted to draw the character but it is difficult to tell who they are because of lack of effort. 6 points ____________________ Mechanics/ Directions Followed Student accurately followed directions and had the final copy in pen with CUPS checked. 5 points Student followed directions and had the final copy in pen with CUPS checked but may have had some spelling errors. 4 points Student attempted to follow directions but final copy had spelling errors or was not in pen. 3 points Student struggled to follow followed directions and final copy was not in pen with multiple spelling errors. 2 points Name: __________________________Caricature of: _______________ Overall Grade on this assignment was: _____________________(35) Comments: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

5 Rough Draft and Specific Character Notes I can summarize and use text to demonstrate my understanding of a character. Directions: The first chapter in The Outsiders gives specific details about each Greaser. Today, you will be assigned one Greaser to carefully examine. Now, you will create a caricature illustration and give text- based evidence of the qualities or traits that character posses. What to include on your final copy: 1. A colorful full body picture of the character. 2. Write the character name at the top. 3. Around the character’s body, include three quotes directly from the text (at least 3 words) that relate to your character and two summary statements to describe your character. 4. Writing on your final copy should be in ink. 5. Use the Greaser Character Chart in your folder. 6. The final copy will go inside your under the chart we stapled in. My Greaser is:___________________ Caricature Rough Draft Greaser:_____________________ Quote from text: Summary: Quote from text:

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