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제목 Towards Global Eminence Wi-Fi Connection Program Manual - KHU WiFi -

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1 제목 Towards Global Eminence Wi-Fi Connection Program Manual - KHU WiFi -

2 제목 Towards Global Eminence | 2 | 1.1 Download and Install Connection Program 1.2 Execution  Double click the [KHU WiFi] on the [Main screen]  The [KHU WiFi] is also accessible by opening [Start] → [All programs] → [KHU WiFi] 1.3 Wi-Fi connection (Login)  Choose the Wi-Fi [INTERFACE]  Choose [Profile – KHU Wi-Fi]  Click on the [Connect] button ※ The [Connect] button is visible after choosing the [Profile]  Click [OK] after inputting [ID, PASSWORD] ※ Type in the Kyunghee University Information System ID/Password 1. KHU WiFi Execution 1 2 3

3 제목 Towards Global Eminence | 3 | 1.4 Main screen after successful connection (authentication login)  Authentication information (AP information, SSID, Connection speed, MAC address, IP address, etc) is viewable after successful connection has been made through proper information input. A successful connection will show a “Network connected” pop-up message on the lower right bar of the screen.  The pop-up message will disappear in 3 seconds after successful authentication. 1.5 Main screen after successful connection (authentication login)  The KHU WiFi Icon, located in the lower tray will turn red and show a signal bar, after connection.  Hovering the mouse over the KHU WiFi Icon will show a “Connection established” message.  Double-click the KHU WiFi Icon to open the program window. 1. KHU WiFi Execution

4 제목 Towards Global Eminence | 4 | 1.6 How to save ID/Password  Click [Profile settings]  Click [KHU-Wi-Fi] → [authentication method] → [ID/Password save] → Type [ID/Password] → finally click [SAVE] and [Close]  Saving the ID/Password will reduce inconvenience of manually re-entering the ID/Password during re-boot. 2. Hover the mouse over the KHU WiFi Icon, located in the disconnect or lower close tray (or in the Hidden Icon section) and right click and choose [Open CUVIC]  Click the [Disconnect] button  The program will close after clicking [close]  Re-read from [Execute 1.1] for a new connection. 2. Disconnection and Close 2 3 4 5 6 1

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