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Module 1A An Introduction to Metasploit – Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration testers guide” Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 1A An Introduction to Metasploit – Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration testers guide” Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 1A An Introduction to Metasploit – Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration testers guide” Based upon Chapter 2 of “Metasploit the Penetration testers guide”

2 What is metasploit It’s a framework that hackers can write their code to…It’s a framework that hackers can write their code to… It allows different hackers to have their code (exploit or payload) incorporated into a single toolIt allows different hackers to have their code (exploit or payload) incorporated into a single tool It’s installed by default in Kali ;-)It’s installed by default in Kali ;-)

3 Main parts Like a lunch menu Choose an ExploitChoose an Exploit Choose a PayloadChoose a Payload

4 Terminology ExploitExploit The means by which an attacker takes advantage of a flaw (vulnerability)The means by which an attacker takes advantage of a flaw (vulnerability) Examples:Examples: Buffer overflowsBuffer overflows SQL injectionsSQL injections

5 Terminology PayloadPayload Code to be executed once an exploit is runCode to be executed once an exploit is run ExamplesExamples A reverse shell (one that phones home)A reverse shell (one that phones home) A meterpreter (metasploit agent)A meterpreter (metasploit agent) Create an administrator accountCreate an administrator account

6 Terminology ModuleModule Piece of software that can be used by metasploitPiece of software that can be used by metasploit Can be used as stand alone snippets of codeCan be used as stand alone snippets of code Stand aloneStand alone ie. each exploit is its own moduleie. each exploit is its own module

7 ListenerListener A component within metasploit that waits for an incoming connectionA component within metasploit that waits for an incoming connection A port that is open and waiting for something like a reverse shell to phone home.A port that is open and waiting for something like a reverse shell to phone home.

8 Interface Ways to use metasploitWays to use metasploit Command LineCommand Line Msfconsole Msfconsole GUI (Graphic User Interface)GUI (Graphic User Interface) Armitage Armitage

9 Metasploit Utilities MSFpayloadMSFpayload Allows you to generate executables, such as files with embedded coded back-doorsAllows you to generate executables, such as files with embedded coded back-doors MSFencodeMSFencode Encodes (hides) exploits to bypass anti-virusEncodes (hides) exploits to bypass anti-virus

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