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0-1 Intro Basic Statistics Stat 220 Autumn 2005 Prof. June Morita Dept. of Statistics Teaching Assistants Cathee Kneeling Maggie Niu Roopesh Ranjan.

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Presentation on theme: "0-1 Intro Basic Statistics Stat 220 Autumn 2005 Prof. June Morita Dept. of Statistics Teaching Assistants Cathee Kneeling Maggie Niu Roopesh Ranjan."— Presentation transcript:

1 0-1 Intro Basic Statistics Stat 220 Autumn 2005 Prof. June Morita Dept. of Statistics Teaching Assistants Cathee Kneeling Maggie Niu Roopesh Ranjan

2 0-2 Intro Unit 0 Introduction A.05 - Quantitative facts, numerical descriptions - Set of tools for the collection and analysis of data with a view to making decisions (ultimately) What is statistics?

3 0-3 Intro When & Where Do We Encounter Data Analysis? 1. News reports 2. Election Polls 3. Surveys - marketing, customer satisfaction,... 4. School records 5. Environmental Standards 6. Production quality control 7. Medical - growth charts, medical diagnoses & protocols 8. Stock market 9. Weather forecasts 10. Many many other situations

4 0-4 Intro Statistical Activities - Study Design & Data Collection - Data Description & Exploration - Model Building - Forecasting - Drawing Inference - Decision Making

5 0-5 Intro Tentative Course Outline 0. Introduction 1. Data Collection Methods Experiments, Observational Studies, Sample Surveys (Chapters 1, 2, 19 + supplemental material) 2. Exploring Data Displaying Data - graphical displays for analysis & presentation of data Summarizing Data - summary statistics for describing basic characteristics of a set of data (Chapters 3, 4 + supplemental material) 3. Modeling Data - one model is a normal curve (Chapter 5) 4. Modeling the relationship between two or more variables - Regression (Chapters 8 through 12)

6 0-6 Intro Tentative Course Outline (cont.) 5. Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem Expected Values and Standard Errors (Chapters 16-18, 20, 21, 23 + supplemental material) 6. Statistical Inference Estimation of unknown quantities Confidence intervals Hypothesis testing (Chapters 26-29) 7. Quality Control, Statistical Process Control Topics scattered throughout the quarter (Supplemental material)

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