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Short-Range NWP Programme 8th COSMO General Meeting Organisation: Romanian National Meteorological Administration 18-21 September 2006 Bucharest (Romania)

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Presentation on theme: "Short-Range NWP Programme 8th COSMO General Meeting Organisation: Romanian National Meteorological Administration 18-21 September 2006 Bucharest (Romania)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Short-Range NWP Programme 8th COSMO General Meeting Organisation: Romanian National Meteorological Administration 18-21 September 2006 Bucharest (Romania)

2 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting We have a new SRNWP Member: The NMS of Latvia EUMETNET Members not SRNWP Members: Malta, Cyprus

3 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting SRNWP Members (with financial contribution) not Members of a Consortium: Latvia, Luxembourg

4 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting Review from the last COSMO Meeting (partial review) For a full review: SRNWP web site, pages -Quarterly Reports -Annual Reports

5 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting ● European Radar Compositing (Programme OPERA) - Now allowed for “Control of the Data Quality” - Meeting OPERA-SRNWP foreseen first half 2007 ● EUCOS (2007-2011): Optimisation of the Observing System not only for the Synoptic scale but also for the Mesoscale: - E-SAT decided to respect Council decision, following PB Obs recommendation (as Council did) - Council did not followed Director KNMI

6 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting COSMO seen from outside: an opinion

7 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The Local Model The COSMO General Meeting COSMO compared to ALADIN, HIRLAM and LACE

8 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The least unified Consortium for the model operational set-up’s or The Consortium with the greatest liberty for its Members COSMO compared to ALADIN, HIRLAM and LACE

9 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting Two driving models: ECMWF and GME (does not simplify the interpretation of the verification results inside the Consortium) Physiographical data “’a la carte” (cf. soil moisture, snow)

10 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting More important: No money involved This brings in my view more disadvantages than advantages No Consortium money to invite consultants and experts No money for an external Programme reviewing (as HIRLAM did it with 3 experts about 2 years ago)

11 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting No money for (at least a part) of the salaries of the responsible persons -> potential conflict between Consortium work and NMS work (no time slots strictly reserved for Consortium work)

12 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting No direct involvement of the Directors (no COSMO Council) Cf. no money involved. In my view the absence of a Council (similar to HIRLAM or ALADIN Council) where the Directors of the COSMO Members would meet is not beneficial for the governance of COSMO

13 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting ALADIN, HIRLAM and LACE have bosses who are clearly defined: Jean-François, Jeanette, Dijana. They have to report to their respective Consortium Council Functions not so clear in COSMO between the Chairman of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Project Manager. And to whom do they report?

14 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The COSMO Effectiveness Although the governance is rather weak and the whole management work of the Consortium is not strongly scrutinised by the Members, COSMO is nevertheless a remarkable achievement. Congratulations!! With a strengthening of its management and governance as well as with some financial resources COSMO could achieve more.

15 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The name of the model (1) COSMO should try to solve the problem of the name of its model as well as the lack of financial resources simultaneously, in one go. Constraint: the model name must be LM / something

16 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The name of the model (2) After politics and sport, it is really time now for NWP to discover the sponsoring Each NWP national group should look for a sponsor Thus we would have:

17 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting The name of the model (3) LM / Mercedes for Germany LM / Norvartisfor Switzerland LM / Parmalatfor Italy and so on. Name and money at the same time!

18 Short-Range NWP Programme 18-21 September 2006 8th COSMO General Meeting Thank you for your attention and... see you next year !

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