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PIRE I & II Post-Award Activities OISE PO team working --To help make the projects succeed, --To help OISE and all of NSF learn more about the projects,

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Presentation on theme: "PIRE I & II Post-Award Activities OISE PO team working --To help make the projects succeed, --To help OISE and all of NSF learn more about the projects,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PIRE I & II Post-Award Activities OISE PO team working --To help make the projects succeed, --To help OISE and all of NSF learn more about the projects, --To disseminate information on new and exciting models. Partnerships for International Research and Education Elizabeth Lyons, OISE October 29, 2007 OISE Advisory Committee Meeting

2 OISE team – 7 PO’s ->12 PO’s managing the portfolio --Press releases, speeches, highlights --Human Subjects, supplement policy --Annual Progress Reports --Involvement of research directorates --Evaluation --PI meetings  EARLY Results !! Partnerships for International Research and Education

3 NSF Press Release(s) Highlights – for Congress Speeches by Drs. Bement & Olsen Institutional press releases Stories in major publications Partnerships for International Research and Education

4 Post-Award Logistics --Human Subjects information --Supplement Policy --Annual Progress Reports --added travel information requested --PO from research directorate asked to look at it Partnerships for International Research and Education

5 Measuring the Impacts of PIRE --Monitoring progress on program objectives --Student questions --Feedback from PI meeting --Hire contractor Partnerships for International Research and Education

6 2 nd PI meeting October 15-16, 2007 at NSF -12 PIRE 1 PIs, each with a student -20 PIRE 2 PIs --Share progress in frontier science – with research directorates --Share information on impacts on students, institutions --Form a community of scientists, educators and universities – leading change

7 --Provide project management guidance --Discuss evaluation of research, education, institutional change, including site visits --Discuss role of foreign collaborators --Identify different models and consider how to disseminate information on them 2nd PI meeting October 15-16, 2007 at NSF (cont.) Partnerships for International Research and Education

8 EARLY Results (many others will be long term!) Successes  PIs feel science is great & getting better  Partnerships – thriving, growing domestic ties strengthened, too  Visits overseas are long enough for real collaboration & learning  Leveraging funds in US & abroad from universities, governments, industry  PIs feel impact on participant careers very positive Partnerships for International Research and Education

9 Challenges  Administrative load high  Visas  Sustainability, growth  Assessment of Success  Diversity

10 Impacts on Science Beyond the Original Research Question -- Int’l data  IRIS  available for many other studies --IRIS wants to copy success in developing countries of Americas, South East Asia --Trying to add climate equipment --Rare thriving African scientific network --Leveraged as much $$ in Africa  training geoscientists Partnerships for International Research and Education

11 Impacts on students Questionnaire: -- international a big attractant -- international engagement much higher -- appreciate the cultural context science more Student Reports: -- learn new techniques, research approaches -- value international experience, collaborations -- strong motivator to finish and/or continue -- multiple mentors in US and abroad a plus -- new cultural experience a positive -- near-peer mentoring very helpful Partnerships for International Research and Education

12 Student Challenges -Language often a problem -Cultural transition often difficult -Logistics often challenging -Progress toward PhD slowed if foreign lab not ready, equipment not available -Family issues Flexibility is key!!

13 Examples of Impacts on Institutions --New Dual Degree program – International Ph. D. --New International focus for university capital campaign, PIRE as a model --Increases in number and quality of graduate student applications --Stronger relationships with university International Office Partnerships for International Research and Education

14 --Stronger university IP policy & practice --Development of organizational structure with Infrastructure & many assets– beyond PIs and universities --Linkage of research to study abroad, leverage and strengthen --Stronger ties among U.S. universities  joint recruiting for faculty and post-docs --Showcasing of PIRE projects by universities (PIRE envy)

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