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Compositions, Dispositions and Qualia Anand Rangarajan Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering University of Florida Anand Rangarajan.

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Presentation on theme: "Compositions, Dispositions and Qualia Anand Rangarajan Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering University of Florida Anand Rangarajan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compositions, Dispositions and Qualia Anand Rangarajan Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering University of Florida Anand Rangarajan Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering University of Florida

2 Hard Problem of Consciousness  Inadequacy of present day science to deal with consciousness  Varieties of materialism unsatisfactory  Recent challenge from analytic philosophy –Consciousness not logically supervenient on the physical (David Chalmers)  Varieties of idealism, panpsychism, dualism now back on the table  Inadequacy of present day science to deal with consciousness  Varieties of materialism unsatisfactory  Recent challenge from analytic philosophy –Consciousness not logically supervenient on the physical (David Chalmers)  Varieties of idealism, panpsychism, dualism now back on the table

3 QualiaQualia  Intentionality (aboutness) and qualia - two difficult consciousness-related problems  Set intentionality aside  Qualia –First person experience –Hidden –Sensations, perceptions, emotions and thoughts  Intentionality (aboutness) and qualia - two difficult consciousness-related problems  Set intentionality aside  Qualia –First person experience –Hidden –Sensations, perceptions, emotions and thoughts

4 Two conceptions of the physical  Just what is meant by the term “physical”?  Dispositions –Resistance, surface properties, extrinsic  Dispositions contrasted with the categorical  All of present day physics a theory of dispositions?  Categorical –Intrinsic nature of the physical (Russel, Stoljar) –Space, time –Particle, field  Just what is meant by the term “physical”?  Dispositions –Resistance, surface properties, extrinsic  Dispositions contrasted with the categorical  All of present day physics a theory of dispositions?  Categorical –Intrinsic nature of the physical (Russel, Stoljar) –Space, time –Particle, field

5 Intrinsic nature of the physical  Leverage the categorical/dispositional distinction  Categorical as “hidden taxonomy of nature”?  No connection to consciousness at this point  Physics still based on dispositions but tries to infer categorical from dispositional theory?  Leverage the categorical/dispositional distinction  Categorical as “hidden taxonomy of nature”?  No connection to consciousness at this point  Physics still based on dispositions but tries to infer categorical from dispositional theory?

6 Qualia and Science  Very difficult to reconcile science and qualia  Other than materialism and radical emergence (dualism,), all theories face panpsychism problem  Qualia basic?  Qualia supervenient on the categorical?  Very difficult to reconcile science and qualia  Other than materialism and radical emergence (dualism,), all theories face panpsychism problem  Qualia basic?  Qualia supervenient on the categorical?

7 Qualia and the Categorical  Categorical nature of the physical paints an intrinsic picture  Qualia lights up the interior  Interior and Intrinsic connection?  Simple picture: –Nature has an intrinsic categorical structure –Qualia are logically supervenient on categorical (Stoljar)  Categorical nature of the physical paints an intrinsic picture  Qualia lights up the interior  Interior and Intrinsic connection?  Simple picture: –Nature has an intrinsic categorical structure –Qualia are logically supervenient on categorical (Stoljar)

8 The Specter of Panpsychism  Categorical structure not yet fleshed out  Supervenience relationship between qualia and categorical unknown  Categorical structure may allow “low-level” qualia  Categorical structure not yet fleshed out  Supervenience relationship between qualia and categorical unknown  Categorical structure may allow “low-level” qualia

9 CompositionsCompositions  Panpsychism takes qualia all the way down  Compositions - fleshing out the categorical to avoid “naïve panpsychism”  Panpsychism takes qualia all the way down  Compositions - fleshing out the categorical to avoid “naïve panpsychism”

10 Nested Compositions  Simpler compositions necessary but not sufficient for more complex compositions  Spacetime issues set aside  Silent on potential versus actual compositions for the moment  Compositional physics to replace dispositional physics  Simpler compositions necessary but not sufficient for more complex compositions  Spacetime issues set aside  Silent on potential versus actual compositions for the moment  Compositional physics to replace dispositional physics

11 Compositions as basic  Paradoxical quality  Qualia (and dispositions) correlate with compositions  Emergence of context and perspective  Paradoxical quality  Qualia (and dispositions) correlate with compositions  Emergence of context and perspective

12 DiscussionDiscussion  Compositions are the structural-categorical counterpart of qualia –Prehension, sensation, perception, emotion, cognition, intuition, visualization, illumination, pure consciousness event (PCE) all may have categorical counterparts –Dispositions follow suit  Compositions are the structural-categorical counterpart of qualia –Prehension, sensation, perception, emotion, cognition, intuition, visualization, illumination, pure consciousness event (PCE) all may have categorical counterparts –Dispositions follow suit

13 ConclusionConclusion  Most varieties of materialism, idealism, dualism, panpsychim, dual-aspect theories sidestepped  Remains to be seen if compositional physics can be mathematically formulated  Most varieties of materialism, idealism, dualism, panpsychim, dual-aspect theories sidestepped  Remains to be seen if compositional physics can be mathematically formulated

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