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What’s New in the Centre Handbook?. 2 Partnerships Need a Partnership Agreement for each partnership Please send a copy for new partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New in the Centre Handbook?. 2 Partnerships Need a Partnership Agreement for each partnership Please send a copy for new partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in the Centre Handbook?

2 2 Partnerships Need a Partnership Agreement for each partnership Please send a copy for new partnerships

3 3 Complaints and Appeals Centres have a duty to tell OCNYHR of each learner appeal or complaint that was addressed via the Centre’s procedures. Brief details and outcome, within 10 days. Centres wanting to appeal or complain to OCNYHR must do so within 25 days of the incident.

4 4 Malpractice Centre Malpractice Policy to include staff malpractice or maladministration, as well as plagiarism. Centres to tell OCNYHR if learners are taken through the formal procedure.

5 5 Registration Information now relates to use of the OCNYHR Portal Tell us if planning no registrations for a while If none for more than a year, Centre may need to go through Centre Recognition.

6 6 Direct Claims Status Awarded to applying Centres that have: –an Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) with appropriate curriculum experience –run the qual for at least a year –no issues identified via EV, for any assessor or IV –a Risk Banding of 1 (green) or 2 (yellow) Centres can apply via a new form

7 7 Approved Internal Verifier status Awarded to individuals with: EITHER the Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (IQA) Need Professional Updating session if IQA gained outside teacher-assessed credit-based learning OR one of D34, V1, IVA or IMA; also need to attend a Professional Updating course good individual practice in the context of the Centre’s quality assurance

8 8 Sampling Samples for verification: –100% for (new/revised) assessment tasks –10% or 5 portfolios (whichever greater) for both internal and external verification –5% or 5 (whichever greater) for DCS check Random sample, not too far in advance Chosen by IV (internal) or EV (external) More required if initial sample yields issues Good practice to sample ALL a new assessor’s work

9 9 Withdrawal Centres must: have a contingency plan to protect learners in the event that they stop running a course support learners to the end of every course onto which they enrol assess and IV in plenty of time to enable EV before the end date

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