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Snow modelling using Surfex with the Crocus snow scheme for Norway Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler 1 and Karsten Müller 2 1 MET.NO, 2 NVE.

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Presentation on theme: "Snow modelling using Surfex with the Crocus snow scheme for Norway Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler 1 and Karsten Müller 2 1 MET.NO, 2 NVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snow modelling using Surfex with the Crocus snow scheme for Norway Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler 1 and Karsten Müller 2 1 MET.NO, 2 NVE

2 Data sources Weather forecasts Weather stations Gridded 1 km maps: snow depth, temp, prec. Snow observations Physical snow models

3 CROCUS snow scheme: -Up to 50 layers -Temp -Grain size, type -Liquid Water cont. -Density -.. SURFEX: land-surface model from HARMONIE atm. model. Ref: Eric Brun and Samuel Morin, MeteoFrance Date Snow depth Snow temperature

4 1D model run for weather stations in Norway

5 Driving data? Short- and longwave radiation Precipitation (+prec. phase) Air temperature Wind dir. + speed Surface pressure Air humidity Too few parameters are observed at the weather stations to drive SURFEX. Can forecasts replace observations without reducing the quality of the modeled snow depth?

6 Grotli (872 masl): 2009-2010 - forcing data: observations except …: Observed Snow Depth Modelled Snow Depth UM: Radiation UM: Radiation, Surface pressure UM: Radiation, Wind UM: Radiation, Air humidity UM: Radiation, Temperature UM: Radiation, Precipitation

7 Sensitivity study   For all Stations (Grotli, Filefjell, Beitostølen, Mannen, NGI- fonnbu):   BEST results using OBSERVATIONS of precipitation and temperature.   Other parameters seems ok to derive from MetUM (NWP) forecasts.

8 We have evaluated the snow depth. What about the snow pack layers?

9 Liquid water content (%) Filefjell winter 2011-2012 Snow density(kg/m3) 1 Sept 2011 17 April 2012

10 Snow Temperatures FILEFJELL Weather Station  Snow temperatures are measured hourly  0, 5, 15, 30 og 55 cm snow height 20102011 ºC Ground surface temperature

11 Summary  CROCUS reproduces well the observed snow depth using observations.  Results are most sensitive to precipitation and temperature Other parameters ok to derive from NWP data Other parameters ok to derive from NWP data  Ongoing work: comparing driving data: NWP models (Harmonie 2.5 km) NWP models (Harmonie 2.5 km) Observations Observations  Future: 2D simulations

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