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Schedule Independent Study  8:15-8:30-Prepare to Learn  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-10:00-History  10:00-10:45-Language Arts  10:45-11-RR/Get Lunch  11:00-11:30-Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule Independent Study  8:15-8:30-Prepare to Learn  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-10:00-History  10:00-10:45-Language Arts  10:45-11-RR/Get Lunch  11:00-11:30-Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule Independent Study  8:15-8:30-Prepare to Learn  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-10:00-History  10:00-10:45-Language Arts  10:45-11-RR/Get Lunch  11:00-11:30-Science  11:30-12:00-Testing/Conferencing  12-12:30-Lunch  1:00-2:00-Study Hall

2 8 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T1W7 Due October 19 Name_______________________ 760-404-7289 Total Work Completed_______% (0/20/40/60/80/100)  Physical Education  5 PE Credits Due by November 15th  ____P.E Log-320 Minutes  ____Parent Conference Signed  Grade______________  TW________________

3 Math-Green Course 2  Pg. 14  1. 5 + -12=  2. -17 + 4=  3. 2 – (-4)=  4. -55 – 10=  5. 16 + -6=

4 Fractions Packet  Money  1 ¼ = 1 and a quarter  4 x 1 =4  4+1=5  5/4  100 Pennies  25%=a quarter  25/100 or ¼ Mixed FractionsDecimals and Percents

5 New Lessons 2.4 and 2.5  PPT

6 Math Objectives: Students Will: -Add and Subtract with unlike denominators - Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions - Through (All Students)  Lessons __________  __________________Parent Signature  ____Ch. ___ Lesson ___  ____Fractions Packet (as marked)  ____Homework Practice Workbook Lessons  ____Parent Conference ____________  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  ____Do lesson 1-9. Do Guided Practice for lesson 6 with 100%.  Grade_____________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F)  _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity

7 Cornell Notes Check!!!! Chapter 2  Separate notebook  Binder sections  2 Columns  1 st - Vocabulary/Definition  2 nd Blue Headings/Details Notebook OptionsCornell notes

8 8 th Grade Physical Science T1-Week 7 Objectives: Students will….  (Language Objective) Describe what molecule placement is like in a solid, liquid and gas  Understand why some things boil and melt at different temperatures  Know what the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of

9 Density of Saltwater (Follow Up)  What do you think causes this density difference?

10 Ch. 5 Lesson 1-Pg. 94  PPT/Notes  Question:  What happens to water molecules when they freeze?

11 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Read Chapter 5 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes.  ____Do Questions Pg. 102  ____Silly Putty Questions Pg. 111  ____Science Workbook Pgs. ________  ____States of Matter Puzzle/Worksheet Packet  ____Solid/Liquid/Gas Triple Bubble  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  ____ Go to the internet and find a fun experiment. Conduct and complete Observation forms.  ____Water Clock Pg. 24  Grade___________ TW______________

12 Housekeeping  Stamp  Grading  Headings  PE Assignment  Classroom Cleanup  Attendance  Parent signature  Tickets  Minimum Days  Grades Due Friday

13 8 th Grade Language Arts T1-Week 7 Objectives: Students will….  Compare and Contrast two stories (Lang. Objective)  Analyze how an author characterizes people in his/her story  Identify a character’s motivation  Analyze a person in their family for character traits

14 Summary Writing  Packet  3 Part Sentence  Name it/Verb It/Finish it  Did we forget???  No Green Conclusion  Take the RED out!

15 Into Action: Complete a chart like the one below to compare and contrast “The Medicine Bag” and “An Hour with Abuelo.” An Hour With Abuelo Reading Skills Focus: Comparing and Contrasting Pg. 115 [End of Section] Comparing Stories Plot development The Medicine Bag An Hour with Abuelo Setting and customs Mood Tone

16 Compare/Contrast Assignment  Planning Guide

17 Writing Process  Prewrite

18 Bag Project  1-2

19 Medicine Bag PPT  Test 11:30

20 Ch. 1….Complete!  Will be retaking next week  See calendar Standards CheckBenchmark

21 Ch. 1/Benchmark Test-Vocab. Matrix Packet  Mood  Tone mm MatrixStudy Guide

22 Context Clues  Packet  PPT

23 Chapter 2-Characterization  PPT

24 New Story…Harriet Tubman  Pg. _

25 Into (Strategic Students) ____Interactive Reader for Medicine Bag) ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by Parent) Through (All Students)  ____Read “Harriet Tubman” Pgs. ___ to ___. Do Focus Questions _____.  ____Reader-Writer Notebook Activities for “Harriet Tubman”  ____Context Clues  ____Test Budget Vocabulary Matrix  ____Daily Language Practice Week 7  ____Story Compare/Contrast Planning Guide (Prewrite)  Study for Ch. 1 Standards Test  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  Read a novel from Pg. 174-175  Hike Tahquitz Canyon. Legend Plot Map

26 8 th Grade American History T1-Week 7 Objectives: Students will….  Understand what the Executive and Judicial Branches do  Know what articles 4-7 of the Constitution dictate

27 Separation of Power Developed to keep the power balanced “Checks and Balances” Executive-President Legislative- Senators/Representatives Judicial-Judges

28 Executive Branch  President  Military-Commander in Chief  Treaties  Fills Vacancies

29 Judicial Branch

30 This week….Executive Branch and Judicial Branch  Packet

31 Article 5-7 Bubble and Presentation ?????

32 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Read “Executive” Pgs. 256-259. Take Notes.  ____Do Questions Pg. 259  ____Read “Judiciary” Pg. 260-261. Take Notes.  ____Do Questions Pg 261  ____Judicial Branch Packet  ____Read “Articles 4-7” Pgs. 262-265. Take Notes  ____Do Questions Pg. 261  ____Pick one article to study in depth, do bubble and present (4-7)  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  ____Research YOUR representative to Congress. Write a report and/or make a class presentation abuot him/her  ____Write a 2 Page Typed Biography of one of the Convention attendees  ____Read “Johnny Tremain” and do a book report

33 Testing/Conference Time 1. Hand in work 2. Planning -Calendar -Schedule -Leaf  Old Students  Inn Test  New Students  Step Up  Cornell Notes AllOld/New

34 Physical Science….what is it? ( “The Universe and it’s Future”) From Atom……To universe

35 Pg. 128 1. To discover the way Arturo’s relationship with his grandfather changes. 2. To analyze the mood and tone of a story Purpose(s)

36 Chapter 5 Eddie make up Test

37 Outline-Packet (Examples)  I.  II. A.  III. A.  IV. A.  V. A.

38 Relative Characterization Assignment  Describe a relative in detail  Use “character traits” not physical descriptions  Describe what you admire about them  Describe what “motivates” them

Download ppt "Schedule Independent Study  8:15-8:30-Prepare to Learn  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-10:00-History  10:00-10:45-Language Arts  10:45-11-RR/Get Lunch  11:00-11:30-Science."

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