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Exact ground states of a frustrated 2D magnet: deconfined fractional excitations at a first order quantum phase transition Cristian D. Batista and Stuart.

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Presentation on theme: "Exact ground states of a frustrated 2D magnet: deconfined fractional excitations at a first order quantum phase transition Cristian D. Batista and Stuart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exact ground states of a frustrated 2D magnet: deconfined fractional excitations at a first order quantum phase transition Cristian D. Batista and Stuart A. Trugman T-11 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM - USA Cond-mat/047216

2 Outline -General Motivation. -Model for a frustrated 2D Magnet. -Exact Ground States: Valence bond crystal with soft 1D topological defects. -Excitations:Spinons propagating along 1D paths. Spin charge separation for one hole added. -Identification of the solvable point with a first order QPT. -Extensions to other 2D lattices. -Conclusions.

3 H = J 1  S i.S j + J 2  S i.S j  i, j   i, j  Introduction O.P. J 2 /J 1 1/2 ? AFM (,)(,) ( ,  ) AFM Valence Bond Crystal ( N. Read and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1773 (1991).) Uniform Spin Liquid (P. Fazekas and P. W. Anderson, Philos. Mag. 80, 1483 (1974).)

4 Introduction Proposals for deconfined points in frustrated magnets AF VBC QCP O.P. g T. Senthil et al, Science 303, 1490 (2003) O.P. H= J   ij  S i.S j + … VBC I VBC II QCP Roksar-Kivelson model Moessner et al, Phys.Rev. B65 024504(2002) E. Fradkin et al, Phys. Rev.B69, 224415 (2004) A. Vishwanath et al, Phys. Rev.B69, 224416 (2004)

5 Introduction Proposals for deconfined points in frustrated magnets VBC I QCP A.M. Tsvelik, cond-mat/0404541 (2004) A.A. Neresyan and A. M. Tsvelik, Phys. Rev. B 67, 024422 (2003) VBC II AFM (,)(,) x 0 ( ,  ) AFM Confederate Flag model

6 H = J 1  S i.S j + J 2  S i.S j + K  (P ij P kl + P jk P il + P ik P jl )     i, j   i, j   ij kl  Hamiltonian This sign is negative in the usual four-cyclic exchange term.

7 H p =H(J 2 =J 1 /2, K= J 1 /8)  H p = (3J 1 /2)  P   Hamiltonian = singlet dimer P  is the projector on the S  =2 subspace. S   1

8 Ground States

9 Ground States: Defects


11 Low Energy Excitations x x x x x x x x DeconfinedConfined

12 Low Energy Excitations x x Doped System: Spin-Charge separation x x x x x x

13 First Order Quantum Phase Transition OP g0 SD ZD 4-fold degeneracy 8-fold degeneracy

14 General Transition OlOl O l+1 O l+2 O l +3 O l+4 O l+5 …....... - --- -- - q  =0

15 General Transition OlOl O l+1 O l+2 O l +3 O l+4 O l+5 …....... + + ++ ++ + q=q=

16 Extensions to other Lattices  H p =  Q , where Q  is the projector on the S  =2,3 subspace.

17 Conclusions:  A Valence Bond Crystal is exactly obtained for the fully frustrated Heisenberg model on a square lattice in the presence of a small four-spin term (K=J 1 /8).  The ground states and the excitations exhibit exotic behaviors like the softening of 1D topological defects and the emergence of deconfined spinons.  This point can be identified with a first order QPT.

18 Conclusions:  There is spin-charge separation when the system is doped with one hole.  The common origin of the exotic behaviors is a dynamical decoupling of the 2D magnet into 1D systems.  Questions: -Finite concentration of holes and anisotropic conductivity? -Effect of finite temperature? - What is the effect of reducing K?

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