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Chapter 12. Living Sacrifices are Therefore Living Sacrifices are Presented to God Living Sacrifices are Not Conformed to world Living Sacrifices are.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12. Living Sacrifices are Therefore Living Sacrifices are Presented to God Living Sacrifices are Not Conformed to world Living Sacrifices are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12

2 Living Sacrifices are Therefore Living Sacrifices are Presented to God Living Sacrifices are Not Conformed to world Living Sacrifices are Being Transformed Living Sacrifices are Proving...the Will of God

3 Love that is Real 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7)

4 Living Sacrifices are Therefore Living Sacrifices are Presented to God Living Sacrifices are Not Conformed to world Living Sacrifices are Being Transformed Living Sacrifices are Proving...the Will of God

5 Love that is Real, Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7)

6 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” Hebrews 1:9

7 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) philóstorgosphilóstorgos philos - friend, love as storgos - family love

8 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ in honor ↳ in honor ↳ in preferring others ↳ in preferring others

9 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

10 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ in honor ↳ in honor ↳ in preferring others ↳ in preferring others

11 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ not lagging in diligence ↳ not lagging in diligence ↳ fervent in spirit ↳ fervent in spirit ↳ serving the Lord ↳ serving the Lord

12 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ rejoicing in hope ↳ rejoicing in hope ↳ patient in ↳ patient in (heaven) (heaven) tribulationtribulation stressstress

13 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ rejoicing in hope ↳ rejoicing in hope ↳ remaining under in ↳ remaining under in ↳ continuing steadfastly... ↳ continuing steadfastly... (heaven) (heaven) stressstress

14 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12) Love that is Blessing (v.12-13), Right (v.9) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7) ↳ praying for ↳ praying for ↳ meeting needs ↳ meeting needs ↳ loving strangers ↳ loving strangers philos - friend, love as xenos - stranger

15 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12) Love that is Blessing (v.12-13), Right (v.9) Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7)

16 7)7) - Bless those that curse you... - Be with others in rejoicing, weeping - Don’t be humble

17 Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 7)7) - Bless those that curse you... - Be with others in rejoicing, weeping - Don’t be humble ↳ Repay NO ONE evil for evil ↳ Repay NO ONE evil for evil ↳ Do the right thing ↳ Do the right thing ↳ Be focused on what is your part ↳ Be focused on what is your part ↳ Leave vengeance to God ↳ Leave vengeance to God

18 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. 1 Peter 2:20

19 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: 1 Peter 2:21

20 “Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth”; 1 Peter 2:22

21 who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; 1 Peter 2:23

22 Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 7)7) - Bless those that curse you... - Be with others in rejoicing, weeping - Don’t be humble ↳ Repay NO ONE evil for evil ↳ Repay NO ONE evil for evil ↳ Do the right thing ↳ Do the right thing ↳ Be focused on what is your part ↳ Be focused on what is your part ↳ Leave vengeance to God ↳ Leave vengeance to God ↳ Overcome evil with good ↳ Overcome evil with good

23 Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 7)7)

24 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12) Love that is Blessing (v.12-13), Right (v.9) Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7)

25 Living Sacrifices are Therefore Living Sacrifices are Presented to God Living Sacrifices are Not Conformed to world Living Sacrifices are Being Transformed Living Sacrifices are Proving...the Will of God

26 Love that is Real Love that is like a Family (v.10) Love that is Unselfish (v.10) Love that is Enthusiastic (v.11) Love that is Enduring (v.12) Love that is Blessing (v.12-13), Right (v.9) Love that is Responding Right (v.14-21) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) 6)6) 7)7)


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