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Philosophy and Curriculum Development Assoc. Prof. Chaweewan Kaewsaiha.

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1 Philosophy and Curriculum Development Assoc. Prof. Chaweewan Kaewsaiha

2 What is Philosophy? philos (love) Sophia (wisdom) Philosophy (love of wisdom)

3 Meaning of Love Love means (1) to like; (2) to be used to something; (3) to have friendly feelings for something; (4) to approve of something.

4 Meaning of Wisdom Wisdom means (1) a kind of practical skill that one needs in performing any subject; (2) clever subtlety (detail); (3) the ability to think, and to be creative; (4) knowledge and understanding in any subject of higher learning; (5) real and true understanding of the highest values in life.

5 Activity 1 Define the term of “ philosophy ” by combining the meaning of “ love ” and “ wisdom ”.

6 Combined Term Love of Wisdom Pythagoras invented the term of philosophia as follows (Kimura,2006): (1) a scholarly occupation; (2) eagerness to learn; (3) a practical way of life to live according to a set of ethical guidelines; (4) Striving for higher knowledge and wisdom.

7 What is Curriculum? Curriculum is the totality of learning experiences provided to students so that they can attain general skills and knowledge at a variety of learning sites.

8 Curriculum: Foundation of Teaching- Learning Process (T-L-P) Establishes a clear philosophy Sets goals that guide the entire curriculum Develops programs of study (sequences both within and between levels) 8

9 Curriculum: Foundation of T-L-P (cont.) Outlines a basic framework for learning and teaching (what to do it, how to do it, when to do it, and how to know it has been achieved) Provides flexibility approaches to support individual differences (learner-oriented learning, integration of contents for learning group and integration for group learning) 9

10 Curriculum: Foundation of T-L-P (cont.) Suggests methods of assessing the achievement of the program’s goals and objectives Provides learning and teaching resources Provides direction for procurement of human resources

11 Curriculum VS Syllabus CurriculumSyllabus Describes the objectives of school system and the complete set of taught material in school system. The curriculum is the superset. Describes the outline of topics covered and the means to achieved them. The syllabus is the subset of curriculum. Syllabus Curriculum

12 Effective Curriculum Development Process 12 Evaluating Implementing Articulating and Developing Planning

13 Description of C-D Process Planningconvening a committee, identifying key issues and trends, assessing needs Articulating and Developingexpressing philosophy in words, developing and sequencing of grade- level and course objectives, identifying learning and teaching resources, developing and/or identifying assessment items and instruments to measure student progress Implementingputting the new program into practice Evaluatingupdating the program

14 Educational Philosophy Philosophy about education requires systematic, critical thinking about educational practice. Philosophy points out to the society what they expect to be achieved through education. 14

15 Educational Philosophy (cont.) Philosophy provides educators and curriculum makers with framework for planning implementation and evaluating curriculum in schools. Educational philosophy helps the teachers interpret, find meaning, and direct the daily work of the classroom. 15

16 References Kimura, Y.G. (2006). Philosophy as Wisdom of Love. Retrieved 7 th August 2015 from li/newsletters/Philosophy_as_Wisdom_of_Love.pdf

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