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Outrageous fortunes Trends to Watch in the Global Economy Daniel Altman ICTF Global Trade Symposium 12 November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Outrageous fortunes Trends to Watch in the Global Economy Daniel Altman ICTF Global Trade Symposium 12 November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 outrageous fortunes Trends to Watch in the Global Economy Daniel Altman ICTF Global Trade Symposium 12 November 2012

2 outrageous fortunes The Race for Growth

3 outrageous fortunes The Race for Growth LIMITS OBSTACLES OPPORTUNITIES RISKS

4 outrageous fortunes #1 China will get richer, and then poorer again

5 outrageous fortunes #1 China will get richer, and then poorer again

6 outrageous fortunes #1 China will get richer, and then poorer again

7 outrageous fortunes #2 The European Union will disintegrate as an economic entity

8 outrageous fortunes #3 The backlash against capitalism won’t last, but it won’t be replaced by political stability Left-wing populism Right-wing authoritarianism Centrist legitimacy

9 outrageous fortunes #4 The collapse of the World Trade Organization will open up new gains from trade

10 outrageous fortunes #5 A new set of lifestyle hubs will replace today’s business hubs

11 outrageous fortunes #6 As the global economy integrates, the middleman will win

12 outrageous fortunes The role of the United States

13 outrageous fortunes Q & A @altmandaniel

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