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Clay Slab Techniques Studio Ceramics.

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Presentation on theme: "Clay Slab Techniques Studio Ceramics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clay Slab Techniques Studio Ceramics


3 Soft Slab

4 Soft Slab


6 Hard Slab

7 Hard Slab

8 Slab Assignment Create two separate pieces using the slab technique.
One should use hard slabs and one with soft slabs. Do some research and planning in your sketchbook. Ideas: Hard: Used for architectural things – Make a template! Boxes, Bird Houses, Luminaries, Letter Holders etc. Soft: Used for organic things – Free form construction! Wall Pockets, forms using slump and hump molds, Mugs etc.

9 Things to know Do not wedge clay before making a slab.
Pound with hand first. Work from middle and “lower” on one side. Slab roller or rolling pins(two directions)are both available. Do not overly handle/bend the slabs. Transport on rigid surface. Clay will not stick to newsprint or canvas. Stack slabs between pieces of newsprint for storage. These pieces will be graded separately. They do not need to relate (but can if you want).

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