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IsIs ARTART in my future?. What is an artist? Artists convey feelings, thoughts and ideas through visual representation using a variety of methods (such.

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Presentation on theme: "IsIs ARTART in my future?. What is an artist? Artists convey feelings, thoughts and ideas through visual representation using a variety of methods (such."— Presentation transcript:

1 IsIs ARTART in my future?

2 What is an artist? Artists convey feelings, thoughts and ideas through visual representation using a variety of methods (such as painting) and materials ( such as pencils or oils). Being an artist means being CREATIVE, and there are many ways to be creative in your work - and turn your imagination in to a career.

3 So many choices Artist Illustrator: from science books to children’s books, comic books Graphic Artist: brand design, 3/D design Designer: clothing design, landscape design, interior design, car design, Photography: movie, magazine, portraits, landscape Other: Film special effects, set design & costume design; Law Enforcement; ART TEACHER!

4 Artist A person who creates art for sale in many ways such as sculpting and painting.

5 Illustrator A person who creates pictures to tell a story, or give instructions

6 Graphic Artist A graphic designer is responsible for page layout and design elements for books/magazines and online media such as websites, as well as product logos.

7 Designer There are many designers…clothing, graphics, interiors, landscape, car design….

8 Photography Photographers take pictures of people, objects and the environment for scientific, commercial, industrial or aesthetic purposes.

9 Film: TV and Movies There are many rolls an artist can have in a film…director, set design, actor, camera operator, makeup artist…

10 Law Enforcement Forensic scientist use skulls to sculpt a victim’s face; Sketch artists help witnesses describe a criminal and depict what happens in a court room.

11 ART TEACHER Art teachers can teach at schools, universities, and teach private classes to students and adults…it is never to late to take art classes!

12 Art Appreciation You don’t have to be an artist to appreciate art! Art Curators choose art and arrange it for exhibit at galleries. Art Historians and Appraisers can serve as curators or archivists at the many museums across the country. Art Consultants help big companies, hotels, business buildings buy art and decorate their buildings. Art Collectors buy art for enjoyment in their own home.

13 If you love to be creative, you can find a career that lets you CREATE!

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