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By: Jonathon Esshaki Sean Lusky Rezeq Hazem Ramme fandaqli.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jonathon Esshaki Sean Lusky Rezeq Hazem Ramme fandaqli."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jonathon Esshaki Sean Lusky Rezeq Hazem Ramme fandaqli

2 Slogan  Slogan - Power to the Powerful.  Our logo is now a shark instead of three claw marks. We changed it to match our slogan because sharks are powerful creatures. Power to the Powerful

3 Social Media Ads  Instagram, facebook, twitter Power to the Powerful 1-313-778-9789 54321 Sterling Heights Michigan Monster

4 Direct Mail 16355 Cambourne Lane March 6th, 2015 Mr. John Davidson Monster Energy 1-313-778-9789 2930 Virginia Beach Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 43646 We are sorry that you received a destroyed package. This was most likely an employee’s fault during the shipping process. To make up for your troubles, we will send a new delivery of Monster Energy Drinks, as well as a 50% discount off of your next purchase. Sincerely, George Clark, Customer Service

5 Premium/ Inducement  Buy 1 get 1 free  We give out clothing to repeat customers Monster Energy 50% Off Next Purchase of Monster Energy Products

6 Publicity Orientated  Sports events (Monster trucks, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, football, basketball)  Begin advertising at other sports events such as wrestling

7 Advertising Promotional  If you enter on the Monster website ( you have a chance to win free monster for a whole year.

8 Special Sales  First day of every season we give out a 30% discount  Cheaper at sports events.  4 th of July discount  Super Bowl discounts  New years Eve - If you buy a pack you will get a pack for free

9 Display Power to the Powerful

10 Newspaper Ad: Monster Will Keep You Awake All Day Monster energy drinks are one of the best ways to give you energy for a long day. The ingredients give you a boost in energy while also having a great taste. Macomb Daily Monster Energy Power to the Powerful

11 Monster energy drinks are avaible at costco, 711, speedway, meijers, sam,s club. This ad will be seen in several sports magazines. Power to the powerful Power to the Powerful

12 Outdoor Advertising The billboard will be in big cities and along highways to advertise to people who have a long day at work and going sports events. Monster Energy Power to the Powerful

13 Radio Guy 1: Hey, what do you guys think about monster? Guy 2: I think its great, it keeps me awake with even more energy than I would get from eight hours of sleep! Guy 1: That’s great I had one yesterday and it helped me a lot because I had to stay up late for work. Guy 3: Yea sometimes I drink monster on the way to work. Guy 2: Yea I think that young guys our age need it to give us energy for all this stuff we do. Radio Stations: 95.5, 98.7 Time of Day: Morning (6 AM - 12 AM) and evening (6 PM - 12 AM)

14 Television (Late at night – Guy playing video game with shooting noises) (Guy looks really tired) (Playing call of duty with only 1 kill 10 deaths) (Guy drinks monster energy) (Guy starts to do really good and gets 30 kills) This commercial will air during evening times around 6 PM -10 PM

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