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 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

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Presentation on theme: " بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "— Presentation transcript:

1  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
وَقُل رَّبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَل لِّي مِن لَّدُنكَ سُلْطَانًا نَّصِيرًا سورة الاسراء الآيات (80) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


3 CULTURE MEDIA Culture media are used for recognition δ identification of microorganism

4 Common ingredients of culture media
1. PEPTONE 2.Meat extract 3.Nacl a. Melting point c b. solidifing point c 4. Agar agar c. concentration 1.5-2% (solid) % (semisolid)

5 e.g. nutrient broth (Fluid)media 1.Liquid
TYPES OF CULTURE MEDIA A. PHYSICAL STATE(CONSISTENCY)OF MEDIA e.g. nutrient broth (Fluid)media 1.Liquid 2.solid media e.g. nutrient agar ,blood agar 3. Semisolid Media

6 Blood agar and nutrient agar
Solid culture medium Fluid culture medium (nutrient broth) Blood agar and nutrient agar

7 B. USE OF MEDIA 1)simple media e.g. nutrient agar and nutrient broth.
2)special-purpose media

8 Nutrient agar Nutrient broth Simple culture media

9 ENRICHED MEDIA Simple media enriched with appropriate substance ,e.g. Blood ,glucose ,serum and ascetic fluid ,most commonly used to cultivate fastidious microorganism like streptococci

10 Chocolate agar Blood agar (Enriched media)

11 SELECTIVE MEDIA Containing inhibitory substance ( e.g. bile salt ,antibiotic, dyes…etc) which favour the growth of concerned microorganism and inhibit the growth of other . e.g. Macon key's agar

12 Slective medium for gram negative bacilli (contains bile salts which inhibit the growth of gram positive microorganisms)

13 DIFFERENTIAL MEDIA Certain species produce characteristic growth that can be easily recognized, or can produce certain effects in the media e.g. hemolytic and non-hemolytic species on blood agar ,MacConkeys agar differintiates between lactose fermenter and non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli, nutrient agar differintiates between species of genus Staphylococcus

14 Haemolytic bacteria on blood agar
Non haemolytic bacteria on blood agar

15 MacConkey′s agar(selective and differential medium) selective for gram negative bacilli and differentiate between lactose fermenter and non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli)

16 Staphylococcus albus (white colonies) on nutrient agar
Staphylococcus citreus (lemon yellow colonies) on nutrient agar

17 Staphylococcus aureus on nutrient agar (golden yellow colonies)

18 Other uses of culture media…e.g
Antibiotic sensitivity test on Mueller-Hinton agar


20 E- Test( strip of antibiotic contains gradients of concentrations to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration MIC)

Is the destruction or removal of all living organisms in or on an object DISINFECTION Is the destruction of pathogenic microorganism only


23 A-Heat 1. dry heat A-flaming B-hot air oven C- infra-red radiation
PHYSICAL METHOD A-Heat 1. dry heat A-flaming B-hot air oven C- infra-red radiation


25 Hot air oven (Temperature 160 C ⁰ for one hour) used for sterilization of glasses , powders oils and surgical instrument)

26 Infrared radiation

27 2.MOIST HEAT a. At a temperature below 100 c e.g pasteurization of milk 100 c: b. At a temperature of min I. Boiling at 100 c for 5-10 II. steaming at 100 c e.g. Tyndallization c. At a temperature above 100 c e.g. auto clave


29 Autoclave (Temperature 121C⁰ + Pressure 15 IB / inch) used for sterilization of bacteriological media and surgical instruments.


31 1)Direct sun light 2)Ultra violet light 3)Ionizing radiation
B. Radiation 1)Direct sun light 2)Ultra violet light 3)Ionizing radiation

32 Sterilization of operating theater by ultraviolet light

33 C. Filtration to render fluids sterile e. g
C. Filtration to render fluids sterile e.g. serum ,antibiotic solution ,sugar ,toxins

34 II.CHEMICAL METHODS A-DISINFECTANTS e.g. acids(toxic to living tissue)
B-ANTISEPTICS e.g. chlorine and iodine(safely applied to living (tissue

1.Chemical indicators control tubes brown s sterilization 2.Adhesive tape Bowie ---dick auto clave tape test

36 Browns′ sterilization control tubes (contain red solution change to green when sterilization is effective)

37 Thanks

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