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Georgia Studies and Physical Science Lesson Plans October 17-21, 2011.

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1 Georgia Studies and Physical Science Lesson Plans October 17-21, 2011

2 Physical Science Lesson Plans October 17, 2011 OPENING: Take five minutes to prepare for Quiz EQ: What is the relationship between potential and kinetic energy? GPS: S8P2.b Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. WORK SESSION: Quiz (10 items) Concept Attainment Activity Notes: Potential and Kinetic Energy Vocabulary Words CLOSING: Explain the difference between potential and kinetic energy. HOMEWORK: Worksheet on energy.

3 Georgia Studies Lesson Plans October 18, 2011 OPENING: Vocabulary words: Copy and begin to define EQ: Why was there an American Revolution? GPS: SS8H3- The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution WORK SESSION: Complete Presentation on: The Acts “The Call For Independence” Graphic Organizer: “The Acts” Notes: The Revolutionary War Period Class Discussion Group Topics: The Battle of Kettle Creek, The Siege of Savannah, The Revolution in Georgia, The Declaration of Independence, Blacks in the American Revolution CLOSING: It’s Your Turn Questions page 165 (1-4) HOMEWORK: What was the order of events that led up to the American Revolution?

4 Vocabulary 1 ). Proclamation of 1763 2). Sugar Act 3). Stamp Act 4). Townsend Act 5). Quartering Act 6). Second Continental Congress 7). Declaration of Independence 8). Articles of Confederation 9).Treaty of Paris 1783

5 Physical Science Lesson Plans October 19, 2011 OPENING: That’s the way the ball bounces Discussion/Activity EQ: What does energy look like in our daily lives? GPS: S8P2.b Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. WORK SESSION: Lab Stations: Bouncy Ball of Energy (Larger Location outside of the classroom) Small Groups CLOSING: Reflection: Interactive Notebooks HOMEWORK: NONE

6 Georgia Studies Lesson Plans October 20, 2011 OPENING: Who was Nancy Hart? Why was she important in Georgia’s History? Prepare for Benchmark#1 EQ: What were the causes of the American Revolution? GPS: SS8H3- The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution WORK SESSION: Benchmark #1 Political cartoon/Political cartoon (As a Loyalist or Patriot-Choose one of the acts discussed in class to illustrate British Taxation) CLOSING: Who was Elijah Clark? Why would colonist like Elijah Clarke support the rebels? HOMEWORK: Complete Political cartoon if you did not complete it in class.

7 Physical Science Lesson Plans October 21, 2011 OPENING: Energy Skate Park Simulation Discuss the relationship between kinetic and potential energy. EQ: What is an energy conversion? GPS: S8P2.b Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. WORK SESSION: Performance Tasks: Develop a Scenario related to the concept of bouncy balls to that of a hot air balloon. Create a comic book explaining the concept learned from bouncy balls of energy. CLOSING: Explain transformation of energy regarding kinetic and potential energy. HOMEWORK Complete Performance Task at home if not completed in class.

8 Georgia Studies Lesson Plans October 10, 2011 OPENING: Georgia Stories- Naval Stores: One -Pager EQ: How did life in Georgia change in 1752? GPS: SS8H2.b Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia's colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers,Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida. WORK SESSION: Game Show Review: Term One Exam /Discussion CLOSING: Name the three Royal Governors and explain what made each unique. HOMEWORK: Study for End of Term Test

9 Physical Science Lesson Plans October 11, 2011 OPENING: Review Vocabulary EQ: What are the basis for arranging the elements in the modern periodic table? GPS: S8P1f- Recognize that there are more than 100 elements and some have similar properties as shown on the Periodic Table of Elements. WORK SESSION: Graphic Organizer-Periodic Table Atomic Map CLOSING: What does the atomic number tell you? HOMEWORK: Work Sheet: Problems from Atomic Map

10 Georgia Studies Lesson Plans October 12, 2011 OPENING: Opening: Take 5 minutes and study for the test from your study guide sheet. EQ: How did Georgia’s government respond when wealthy landowners demanded the right to own slaves? GPS: SS8H2- The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history. c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors. WORK SESSION: End of Term Exam (irespond) A Royal Colony Activity Sheet Georgia Stories: Savannah Under Attack- One Pager CLOSING: What were the difference between a royal colony and a proprietary colony? HOMEWORK: What were the two chambers of Georgia’s first legislature?

11 Physical Science Lesson Plans October 13, 2011 OPENING: Opening: Study for Quiz EQ: What are energy transformations? GPS: S8P1f- Recognize that there are more than 100 elements and some have similar properties as shown on the Periodic Table of Elements. WORK SESSION: Vocabulary Quiz Study Guide for Assessment- Work on study guide CLOSING: What do elements in the same column have in common? How many elements are listed in the modern periodic table? HOMEWORK: Study for Assessment (Quiz)

12 Georgia Studies Lesson Plans October 14, 2011 OPENING: Who Am I? Activity (51) EQ: Why did the British tax goods in the colonies? GPS: SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history. c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors. WORK SESSION: Notes: The Acts (The Call for Independence) Georgia Stories: Nancy Hart (One-Pager) Activity Sheet: Filling In Details(48) CLOSING: What goods were taxed by the Stamp Act? Why were Georgians reluctant to join the colonist in revolution? HOMEWORK: What were the order of events that led up to the American Revolution?

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