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USNSN/ANSS Real Time Data Flow at the NEIC. Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Flow of Real-time Data.

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Presentation on theme: "USNSN/ANSS Real Time Data Flow at the NEIC. Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Flow of Real-time Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 USNSN/ANSS Real Time Data Flow at the NEIC

2 Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Flow of Real-time Data Distribution to Various Recipients

3 RSN ATWC PTWC Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

4 Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Flow of Real-time Data Distribution to Various Recipients

5 ~200 Broadbands ~3 Gbytes/day. Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time MEDNET GEOFON KNET IMS CDSN GTSN GSN SLU AEIC BKY SNL Weston BILIKIN LLNL ATWC PTWC AVO NMT USBR SLU Menlo CERI Butte TriNet UUSS UNR LDEO MIT Contributors via Virtual Data Logger Contributors via Earthworm Contributors via Satellite System 65 USNSN Broadband, 7 ASL/GSN

6 Earthworm: Real-time Data Exchange Channels IN: 300 Broadband and Short period also strong motion

7 Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Flow of Real-time Data –NEIS –QA/QC Products –Research Distribution to Various Recipients

8 Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System: Internal QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

9 NEIS Processing and Products Association, location,and magnitude estimation Quick review

10 NEIS Processing and Products Moment tensors Record sections Recent earthquake maps and waveforms

11 NEIS Processing and Products Shakemap

12 Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System: Internal QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

13 NEIC Internal: QA/QC Heli Pages Latency Monitor

14 NEIC Internal: QA/QC Real-time Probabilistic Ambient Noise Estimates Numerous artifacts are observed and identifiable. Strong signals are generated from instrumentation and telemetry issues such as calibration pulses, automatic mass re- centering and dropped packets. 10192 individual PSDs, binned in 1/8 octave intervals, are used to construct a Seismic Noise Probability Density Function for JFWS BHZ, shown to the right. 09/2000-02/2003. Calibration Dropped Packets Mass re-center Sensor Problem

15 NEIC Internal: QA/QC Real-time Probabilistic Ambient Noise Estimates Significant noise at 0.1s (10Hz) due to the proximity to a road. 2370 individual PSDs, binned in 1/8 octave intervals, are used to construct a Seismic Noise Probability Density Function for HLID BHZ, shown to the right.

16 Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System: Internal QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

17 NEIC Operations Focused Research Improve STN Determine arrival slowness Increase pick accuracy Improve phase Ids Lower detection threshold Improve locations Real-time Array Processing P. Earle

18 NEIC Operations Focused Research National Hazard Map Crustal Attenuation Studies Pn Lg Wesson, McNamara, Benz, Frankel

19 Topics NEIC Real-time Data System Networks Contributed to NEIC in Real-time Internal Use of Real-time Data Distribution to Various Recipients

20 Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System: Out Bound QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

21 Recipients of Real-time Data earthworm import/export Regional Seismic Networks fill in azimuthal gaps add broadband recordings Alaska and Pacific Tsunami Warning Centers improve coverage and warning

22 Earthworm RSN Waveserver VMS Cluster NEIS ATWC PTWC ISN GSN USNSNRSN IRIS DMS Research NEIC Real-time Data System: Out Bound QA/QC ASL GSN EW import/export VDL AutoDRM VSAT

23 Recipients of Real-time Data: IRIS DMS dedicated frame-relay (8 min. delay) BUD Real-time data archive March 2002 to present also USNSN historic data archive 1991 to 2002

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