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Astronomy Day 1. Warm Up! (On your paper from yesterday!) 1.Name as many planets as you can in order (closest to farthest from the sun). 2. Do you know.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy Day 1. Warm Up! (On your paper from yesterday!) 1.Name as many planets as you can in order (closest to farthest from the sun). 2. Do you know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy Day 1

2 Warm Up! (On your paper from yesterday!) 1.Name as many planets as you can in order (closest to farthest from the sun). 2. Do you know any acronyms for remembering the order of the planets? 3. What makes life possible on Earth? 4. How does the Sun produce energy?

3 Objective –SWBAT explain the Earth’s motion through space including precession, nutation, and barycenter and its path about the galaxy. LEQ –How does the earth move through space by precession, nutation, and barycenter? *Write the topic, objective, and LEQ on page on of your notes!*

4 Agenda Warm Up Organizing our spiral notebook Kepler 22b Article/Video Clip Intro to Planets Hierarchy of Universe: Venn Diagram Compare/Contrast Jovian & Terrestrial Exit Ticket

5 Getting Organized Title Page Syllabus Science GEMS of Wisdom Table of Contents (5 pages)

6 Table of Contents Left Side ItemsPageRight Side ItemsPage Kepler 22B Article0Universe & Solar System 1 Planets T-Chart0 Hierarchy of Universe Venn Diagram 0 Science GEMS of Wisdom PageAvid StrategyWICOR 0Kepler 22B Article 0Planets T- Chart 0Hierarchy of Universe Venn Diagram

7 Article: New Planet!? VT15w *YouTube VT15w with-sunlike-star/2011/12/05/gIQA3Z0fWO_story.html?tid=pm_national_pop with-sunlike-star/2011/12/05/gIQA3Z0fWO_story.html?tid=pm_national_pop

8 Questions for Article (Answer these in complete sentences on page 0- left hand side of notebook) 1.What is so incredible about the Kepler- 22b finding? 2.What evidence suggests that there is life on this planet? 3.What evidence does not support the theory that there is life on this planet? 4.What is your reaction to this article?

9 Our Galaxy- Milky Way

10 Sooo… How’d it happen?

11 Directions for Cornell Notes You only need to write the information in YELLOW Please write your notes in your spiral notebook Cornell Style

12 The Beginning… How did the universe form? –Big Bang Theory- 14 Billion years ago an explosion started our universe.

13 How did the planets and sun form? Nebula-cloud of dust & gas in space Nebular Theory-the sun and planets formed from a rotating disk of dust and gases.

14 Hierarchy of Organization within the Universe HoV8Jc HoV8Jc

15 Hierarchy of Organization On page 0 (left-hand side), create a Venn diagram which displays the hierarchy of organization of the following vocabulary terms (left-side item): –Universe, planet, star, galaxy, milky way, solar system ____________ ___________

16 Our Solar System

17 How to remember the order… My = Mercury Very = Venus Educated = Earth Mother = Mars Just = Jupiter Sold = Saturn Us = Uranus Nine = Neptune Pizzas = Pluto (*Not a planet anymore)

18 Size Comparison Sun = 99.85% of our solar system’s mass The planets = 0.15%

19 What guides the planets as they orbit? Sun’s gravitational force Do you know- 1.3 million earths can fit inside 870,000 miles wide 93 million miles away from earth 8 ½ minutes for light to reach earth Guess how hot? 10,000 million degrees

20 What is a barycenter? Center of mass where two or more bodies orbit each other –Example: barycenter between the moon and Earth gbRkws

21 How does our sun produce energy? The sun is a main-sequence star, and generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. In its core, the Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second. Nuclear Fusion Produces the energy of stars Fusing two or more smaller atoms into a large one (hydrogen into helium) Occurs inside the core

22 L5To L5To 5k8cjg 5k8cjg

23 The power of the Sun… The Sun gives us heat, light, our food, and the air that we breathe. It powers the atmosphere to give us the winds and rain. Even the coal and oil that generate electricity for light and power come from plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago and depended on the Sun for life.

24 We Aren’t as Big as We Think.




28 Terrestrial & Jovian Planets Terrestrial Planets (Earth-like) – small and rocky –Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars Jovian Planets – huge has giants –Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune *Pluto does not fit well into either category*

29 Compare & Contrast Use your textbook (reading, tables, & figures on pgs. 645-647) to create a chart comparing Terrestrial & Jovian Planets You have 10 minutes to work quietly in your desk When I give you permission, you may talk to your elbow partner!

30 Compare & Contrast (pg. 645) Terrestrial Planets Jovian Planets Factors to consider: –Distance between planets –Size of diameter –Density –Speed of Rotation –Atmosphere –Composition (what are these planets made of)

31 Compare & Contrast Terrestrial PlanetsJovian Planets Orbits are close togetherOrbits are far apart Smaller diameterLarger diameter More denseLess dense Rotate slowerRotate faster Thin or no atmosphereThick atmosphere Composed mostly of rocky & metallic substances, with few gases & ices Mostly made of gases and ices, but with rocky and metallic materials in their cores

32 What is Nutation? Nutation: a small irregularity in the precession of the equinoxes

33 Precession 4cdCA 4cdCA Precession: slow, top-like wobbling of the spinning Earth. What is the tilt of the earth? What does "oblate" mean? Why does this affect precession? When he changes the weight, what happens to the rod on the steel sphere? THINK ABOUT IT CHALLENGE QUESTION: What does this mean for explorers who use the North Star as a means of navigation?

34 Precession vs. Nutation Precession is the slight adjustment in how we rotate due to an imbalance in our rotation. Nutation is HOW FAR OUT we wobble with precession. Imagine a top spinning like in the video-- precession would be the angle at which we wobble, nutation is how far out each wobble goes!

35 Milky Way Size Scale Index Card –Front: Write the name of your planet and draw a picture. –Back: Use your text page 645 Distance from sun Period of revolution Orbital velocity Period of rotation Diameter Relative Mass Average Density

36 Planet Project Work with elbow partner and choose one planet. You may use or textbook, Internet, & any additional resources Your projects must include a drawing of your planet and the following information in a 2-paragraph (4-5 sent.) write-up: –Planetary data (chart on pg. 645), location in solar system, type of planet (Terrestrial or Jovian), unique characteristics, surface features, surface temperature, moons, rings

37 Planet Projects Presenters: practice/follow speaker expectations Listeners: practice/follow listener expectations: Be respectful listeners (you are not talking when others are presenting) After groups have finished speaking, raise your hand if you have questions and wait to be called on

38 Getting organized!! Work with your elbow partner to write a summary at the bottom of your cornell notes (hint: your summary will answer the LEQ!!) Chunk your notes into 3 categories (whatever makes sense to you!!) Draw at least 1 picture for each category! Write cornell questions Use at least three colors on your notes

39 Exit Ticket 1.What body makes up 99.85% of our solar system? 2.What planets are considered Terrestrial, and what are their 2 defining characteristics? 3.What planets are considered Jovian, and what are their 2 defining characteristics? 4.How did distance from the sun affect the size and composition of the planets?

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