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Welcome to 9C Trish Walsh – – 13th year teaching at Stonepark. I teach French and Science to your son or daughter Teachers for 9C: Mr.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 9C Trish Walsh – – 13th year teaching at Stonepark. I teach French and Science to your son or daughter Teachers for 9C: Mr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to 9C Trish Walsh – – 13th year teaching at Stonepark. I teach French and Science to your son or daughter Teachers for 9C: Mr. Flanagan( – Math Mrs. Walsh – French, and Science Mrs. Curley( – Social Studies Mr. Aiken ( – English Mrs. Peters( - Music Mr. Campbell / Ms. Steele – Gym Mr. Stratton, Ms. Wilson, Mr. Arsenault, Mr. MacDonald - Specialists

3 FRENCH: Oral rubric Listening20% Writing25% Speaking30% Reading25%

4 SCIENCE: Matter24% Reproduction20% Electricity16% Space10% French10% Exams20%

5 Attendance: Please send an email or note if your child is going to be absent. **Two missed days of school per month is equivalent to one month of school missed. Missing one month a year is equivalent to missing one full year of school in the system. SAS – Student’s Achieve website, provides online marks and progress for your viewing Class culture – we try to remain humorous and positive, but address curricular outcomes at the same time. Homework – word press blog This is your son’s or daughter’s class. We are a team for the year. I believe we have to work together to get through the year successfully!


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