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MacKenzie Doyle Pd. 7. TRUE In the average sized detector there is 1 millionth of a curie As long as radioactivity stays in detector radiation is negligible.

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Presentation on theme: "MacKenzie Doyle Pd. 7. TRUE In the average sized detector there is 1 millionth of a curie As long as radioactivity stays in detector radiation is negligible."— Presentation transcript:

1 MacKenzie Doyle Pd. 7

2 TRUE In the average sized detector there is 1 millionth of a curie As long as radioactivity stays in detector radiation is negligible

3 FALSE Only some like radon radiation therapy, x-ray, gamma ray, microwaves, cell phones and cellphone towers

4 TRUE Some patients began getting illnesses form the ionizing radiation

5 FALSE Radioactive materials were created long before scientists started messing with them

6 FALSE Most formed by lab instruments Most common instruments: Geiger Counter, with Geiger-Mueller (GM) Tube or Probe

7 TRUE Individuals vary in physical structure, color, intellectual ability, social behavior, in temperament and outlook in perspective as well as thought.

8 TRUE Each fission releases about 200 MeV of energy.

9 FALSE You can’t discover the cause of cancer by looking at the cells

10 BOTH If the plant is properly working with all the safety requirements there is very little to worry about Its usually only dangerous if it isn't functioning properly

11 FALSE They wont explode like a bomb but many dangerous hazards are at risk

12 TRUE Some radioactive waste like spent nuclear fuel remain highly radioactive for thousands of years

13 FALSE It has been years since a new element has been added to the periodic table

14 TRUE Nuclear power plants can produce material that can be converted to nuclear weapons

15 FALSE Some are dangerous but if done correctly it can be totally safe

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