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Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education Seaside, Oregon January 24, 2013 Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education Seaside, Oregon January 24, 2013 Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education Seaside, Oregon January 24, 2013 Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Understanding Instructional Shifts of the Common Core State Standards

2 Discussion What is a challenge(s) do you see in implementing the CCSS? In what ways could student experiences improve? In what ways should instruction change? 2

3 Understanding the ODE Toolkit and Resource Sites

4 CCSSM Challenges Challenge of Awareness (Dissemination) – Introduction & motivation for change Challenge of Content Alignment (Transition) – Moved and articulated content – “New” content Challenge of Instruction (Implementation) – Pedagogy (e.g. best practices, engagement) – Assessment (e.g. using to support learning) 4

5 Instructional Shifts ELA/Literacy Shifts – Shift 1: Increase Reading of Informational Text – Shift 2: Text Complexity – Shift 3: Academic Vocabulary – Shift 4: Text-Based Answers – Shift 5: Increase Writing from Sources – Shift 6: Literacy Instruction in all Content Areas Math Shifts – Shift 1: Focus – Shift 2: Coherence – Shift 3: Procedural Fluency – Shift 4: Deep Conceptual Understanding – Shift 5: Applications (Modeling) – Shift 6: Balanced Emphasis 5

6 Discussion Take time to read the ELA/Literacy and Mathematics shifts How does the work described in the shifts align to our discussion today? Is there a new idea has not been discussed? What may need clarification? 6

7 Common Core Toolkit 7

8 8

9 Mathematics Teacher Toolkit 9

10 ELA/Literacy Toolkit 10

11 11

12 Implementation alignment to Smarter Balanced Assessment Smarter Balanced Mathematics Claims – Claim #1: Content & Procedures – Claim #2: Problem Solving – Claim #3: Communicating Reasoning – Claim #4: Modeling & Data Analysis Smarter Balanced ELA/Literacy Claims – Claim #1: Reading – Claim #2: Writing – Claim #3: Speaking & Listening – Claim #4: Research 12

13 13

14 Discussion If you have a computer, take time to explore the CCSS toolkit What resources do you find helpful? What would you hope to find on the site? What needs clarification? 14

15 Resource Pages

16 Back to the CCSS HomePage 16

17 CCSS Resource Page 17

18 General CCSSM Resources 18

19 19

20 Examples of Resources Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS PTA Parent Guides Student Friendly Standards Introductory videos Illustrative Math Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP) 20

21 “Module 1” 21

22 Questions: CCSS Toolkit How could these documents help in the transition? – Content alignment – Instruction alignment Who should know about it? What additions would you like to see next? 22

23 Questions? Mark Freed Email: Phone: 503-947-5610 Karin Moscon Email: Phone: (503) 947-5706 Laura Petschauer Email: Phone: (503) 947-5936 23

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