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Depends on the health of our wealth Building a wonderful world … You, Your Family, Your Community Financial & Living Equity Our Wealth Living Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "Depends on the health of our wealth Building a wonderful world … You, Your Family, Your Community Financial & Living Equity Our Wealth Living Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 depends on the health of our wealth Building a wonderful world … You, Your Family, Your Community Financial & Living Equity Our Wealth Living Financial

2 You, Your Family, Your Community Feeding the System Earning Money & Prestige Our wealth is tied in to a financial system … Centralized Financial System Financial & Living Equity Our Wealth Paying taxes Working Voting Investing Purchasing

3 Centralized Financial System Our Financial & Living Equity Earning Money & Prestige Feeding the System Earning Money & Prestige Our Wealth Draining or Destroying Financial & Living Equity Feeding the Tapeworm You, Your Family, Your Community The Financial Tapeworm This financial system is like a Tapeworm draining & destroying us … while injecting us with dirty money & dirty tricks Dirty Tricks keep us hooked Our wealth is tied in to a financial system …

4 Co-Dependent Strategies Fight the system Drop out Draining or Destroying Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community Feeding the Tapeworm The Financial Tapeworm Dirty Tricks keep us hooked How do we eradicate the Tapeworm? Workable Strategy Go Solari Earning Money & Prestige X

5 Draining or Destroying Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community Feeding the Tapeworm Earning Money & Prestige The Financial Tapeworm Avoid Dirty Tricks Go Solari – How Does it Work? I see you, Mr. Tapeworm! 1.See how the money works around you, including how the Tapeworm drains you Workable Strategy Go Solari

6 Draining or Destroying Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community Earning Money & Prestige The Financial Tapeworm There is hope! Avoid Dirty Tricks Solari Opportunity 2.Appreciate the Solari Opportunity Go Solari – How Does it Work? The Solari Opportunity is about expanding opportunities to create wealth close to home in a way that enhances our financial & living equity while disempowering the Tapeworm … 1.See how the money works around you, including how the Tapeworm drains you Workable Strategy Go Solari

7 Draining or Destroying Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community The Financial Tapeworm May we take care of the land, each other, and ourselves Solari Opportunity Avoid Dirty Tricks Earning Clean Money & Prestige Earning Money & Prestige X Go Solari – How Does it Work? Feeding Local Living Economies 3.Vote with your prayers 6.Vote for honest media that illuminates who’s doing the dirty tricks 4.Vote with your money 5.Vote for excellent leadership 2.Appreciate the Solari Opportunity 1.See how the money works around you, including how the Tapeworm drains you Workable Strategy Go Solari The Solari Opportunity is about expanding opportunities to create wealth close to home in a way that enhances our financial & living equity while disempowering the Tapeworm …

8 Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community Solari Opportunity Financial Tapeworm Attracting Global Investors Earning Clean Money & Prestige 7.Attract local & global investors Go Solari – How Does it Work? Feeding Local Living Economies The Financial Tapeworm Avoid Dirty Tricks X 3.Vote with your prayers 6.Vote for honest media that illuminates who’s doing the dirty tricks 4.Vote with your money 5.Vote for excellent leadership 2.Appreciate the Solari Opportunity 1.See how the money works around you, including how the Tapeworm drains you Workable Strategy Go Solari The Solari Opportunity is about expanding opportunities to create wealth close to home in a way that enhances our financial & living equity while disempowering the Tapeworm …

9 Profiting from a shrinking Tapeworm Our Financial & Living Equity Solari Opportunity Financial Tapeworm Attracting Global Investors Earning Clean Money & Prestige Not only can you build wealth reversing the drain, but it turns out to be the only effective way to reverse the drain. In a Solari economy, wealth creation enhances our Financial & Living Equity Financial & Living Equity You, Your Family, Your Community Go Solari - “Vote with your prayers, vote with your money” Growing & Protecting Feeding Local Living Economies The Financial Tapeworm Whether you want to protect and grow your personal equity, enhance your neighborhood, or end world hunger and oppression, the solution is the same - go Solari. As we attract global investors to the Solari Opportunity, the Tapeworm loses it power to drain us or inject us with dirty tricks

10 Right now, chances are each dollar you spend and each dollar in your bank is a vote for the Tapeworm and thus working against you, your family, and communities everywhere. Closing Thoughts May we increase our wealth in a way that shrinks the tapeworm & reverses the drain, building a wonderful world together You, Your Family, Your Community Vote for yourself - Go Solari  Starting with each of us “coming clean”  Blossoms thru local Solari Investor Circles  Optimized thru neighborhood Solari Venture Funds

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