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Aditya P. Mathur Professor Department of Computer Science Purdue University, West Lafayette Wednesday January 19, 2011 Capsules, Micropayments, and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Aditya P. Mathur Professor Department of Computer Science Purdue University, West Lafayette Wednesday January 19, 2011 Capsules, Micropayments, and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aditya P. Mathur Professor Department of Computer Science Purdue University, West Lafayette Wednesday January 19, 2011 Capsules, Micropayments, and the Democratization of Cloud Computing CS 197 Freshman Honors Seminar January 19, 2011 1 pSSP

2 A Problem 2 Perennial inconvenience to the software user…. Users forced to purchase software upgrades while a majority of the new, as well as existing code, is not used. Forced to upgrade hardware because the new software demands it. January 19, 2011 pSSP Software oligopolies control the OS and office- products market.

3 A Wish 3 Allow users the option of paying for only as much as and what they use. Allow users the option of never having to buy new hardware but be still able to use new versions of software that they need. January 19, 2011 pSSP Allow individual developers across the world to contribute to software development and get rewarded based on usage of their work.

4 State of affairs 4 Software Service providers, service platforms, and SaaS Google docs January 19, 2011 pSSP Service platforms (e.g., Qianxiang Wang’s work on programming in the cloud)

5 Our proposal 5 Create a pure Software Service Provider (pSSP) paradigm analogous to the telephone service paradigm. January 19, 2011 pSSP

6 6 January 19, 2011 pSSP Software industry: Today and tomorrow

7 Scenario: Consumer 7 January 19, 2011 pSSP Buy software Upgrade software New version Next version Upgrade hardware Too slow? Does not work App conflicts

8 Scenario: Marketplace 8 January 19, 2011 pSSP Software marketplace DeveloperCustomer app Apps are monolithic Apps execute at customer site Apps (mostly) for mobile platforms Apps (mostly) task specific

9 Scenario: Cloud Computing 9 January 19, 2011 pSSP Cloud Infrastructure Management Hardware Software Customer Apps are monolithic Developers part of management infrastructure Data and/or apps in the cloud

10 Tomorrow’s Scenario: pSSP 10 January 19, 2011 pSSP Infrastructure Management Hardware Software Customer Apps are “capsulized” Developers: a mix of employees and independent Apps are reconfigurable Developer Microeconomic model pSSP: pure Software Service Provider

11 Marketplace, Cloud, pSSP 11 January 19, 2011 pSSP MC ClienteleIndividualOrganizationsIndividual Organizations EconomicsMicroMacroMicro: perennial GovernanceControlled; democratic ControlledDemocratic AppsMonolithic Capsulized and reconfigurable Purchase YesNo, rentalSubscription Software/Har dware upgrade Yes/Maybe No/No

12 What is pSSP? 12 Dynamic App Repository Outsourcing Management Dynamic Data Repository Developer User p S S P January 19, 2011 pSSP App Management

13 Software usage in pSSP 13 User signs up with a pSSP as a member. User has minimal hardware and network connection. User has access to all software available for the membership category. January 19, 2011 pSSP

14 Software execution in pSSP 14 An application may be executed at the pSSP. An application may be executed on the user’s hardware. An application may execute partly at the pSSP and partly at the user site: depends on the feature used. January 19, 2011 pSSP

15 Data storage in pSSP 15 User data may be stored at the pSSP. User data may be stored at the user site. User data may be stored at the pSSP and at the user site. January 19, 2011 pSSP

16 Software Development in pSSP 16 An application is a collection of interconnected capsules. January 19, 2011 pSSP Capsules are developed by independent developers and development organizations. Capsules are integrated at the pSSP to create an application.

17 Software Development in pSSP 17 An application has multiple incarnation. Each incarnation contains only features demanded by a subset of pSSP subscribers. January 19, 2011 pSSP An incarnation is composed semi-automatically and on-demand.

18 Software Economics in PSSP 18 Capsule developer is paid based on usage, or one time, or a both. Copyright for a capsule may be owned by the developer. No single individual or organization might own copyright to an application. January 19, 2011 pSSP

19 19 January 19, 2011 pSSP pSSP: Architecture

20 Capsules 20 A capsule is a self sufficient piece of code that encapsulates one or more features. January 19, 2011 pSSP Input set Output set API: Code Attributes Attribute extraction and update

21 21 App 3 App 2 App 1 Dynamically Composable Applications Capsule January 19, 2011pSSP

22 Application and capsules 22 January 19, 2011 pSSP C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 User API C1C1 C2C2 C4C4 Avatar A Avatar B

23 Capsules and components 23 January 19, 2011 pSSP CapsuleComponent Independently executable YesMaybe CouplingLooseLoose or tight Platform independence YesMaybe Features encapsulated FewNo constraint Simultaneous avatars MultipleOne

24 Application use: Scenario I 24 January 19, 2011 pSSP Subscriber 1. Request an app 2. App ready 3. Use app 4. Terminate Today’s paradigm (e.g. Google docs, Zoho)

25 Application use: Scenario 1I 25 January 19, 2011 pSSP Subscriber 1.Request an app 2. Receive capsule(s) 3. Use app 4. Terminate

26 Application use: Scenario III 26 January 19, 2011 pSSP Subscriber 1. Request an app 2. Receive capsule(s) 3. Use app 6. Continue using app 4. Feature interrupt 5. Receive capsule(s) 7. Terminate

27 pSSP: Application development 27 January 19, 2011 pSSP 1. Develop requirements 2. Develop framework 3. Issue RFCs 4. Accept capsules (QA) Framework: a skeletal structure designed to support or enclose 4. Integrate and develop app (QA)

28 pSSP: Capsule development 28 January 19, 2011 pSSP Developer(s) 1. Issue an RFC 2. Receive cSet 3. Subject to QA 4. Accept cSet’ cSet: Set of capsules RFC cSet’

29 pSSP: Capsule QA: Basic 29 January 19, 2011 pSSP QA Quality gate (Basic) Capsule +Test set Cleared? Accept Reject Capsule Tests (Basic)

30 pSSP: Capsule QA: Advanced 30 January 19, 2011 pSSP QA Quality gate (Advanced) Capsule +Test set Update Quality Level, Reliability pSSP Capsule Tests (Advanced*) *FSM tests, combinatorial tests, code coverage, mutation coverage, etc.

31 pSSP: App Assembly 31 January 19, 2011 pSSP * Component based modeling and reliability estimation; path and state- based models. Plug capsules into the framework Perform app-level QA* Update app Quality characteristics pSSP Capsules App App tests

32 pSSP: App server/client 32 January 19, 2011 pSSP Capsules Apps App Server App Client Subscriber

33 pSSP: Management Tools 33 January 19, 2011 pSSP Capsules Apps App ServerQuality Manager Payment System Outsourcing Manager

34 34 January 19, 2011 pSSP pSSP: Implementation Challenges

35 Quality Management: Reliability 35 Ensure capsule conformance to RFCs January 19, 2011 pSSP Obtain accurate estimates of capsule reliability in the absence of a known operational profile Obtain accurate estimates of application avatars in the absence of a known operational profile

36 App Avatar 36 Determining the structure of an app avatar January 19, 2011 pSSP Composing an app avatar Delivering an app avatar Managing the evolution of an app avatar

37 Execution of an App Avatar 37 Determining where to execute a capsule January 19, 2011 pSSP Managing data Managing feature interrupts

38 Customer management 38 Determining customer profile January 19, 2011 pSSP Assigning apps to customers

39 Developer management 39 Developer acceptance criteria January 19, 2011 pSSP Developer reimbursements Developer competition across pSSPs

40 Embedded software 40 Delivery January 19, 2011 pSSP Execution Maintenance

41 41 Thank you! January 19, 2011 pSSP

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