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Mobile Web 2.0 Mobile Mashup & LBS

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1 Mobile Web 2.0 Mobile Mashup & LBS
Dong Ouk Moon Columbia University, Apr 6th

2 Outline Conclusion Web 2.0 Mobile Web 2.0 Mobile Mashup
Location Based System (LBS) Case Study Ad-mob Amazon Message Center Project  Conclusion

3 Web 2.0 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Not more than providing info.
Fig. 1. The differences between Web 1.0 and 2.0 Limited Resource Technical Problem Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Company Contents Users Web 1.0 Not more than providing info. Difficult to share idea Limited SNS; , IM Web 2.0 New definition ‘Social Web’ User generated contents Blog, Wiki Data Sharing Open API Automate update system RSS, Atom

4 Mobile Web 2.0 - Advent Wireless network technology advances
WCDMA, LTE, WiMAX Overcome infra limitation; Network Speed and Cost Mobile devices improved dramatically Improved dramatically Make past limitation disappear The convergence into Mobile devices GPS, WiFi, 3G Ubiquitous

5 Mobile Web 2.0 - Features Include Features of Web 2.0
User-generated contents Easy to Share Automated Update Procedure Location Based System GPS, Wifi, Cell-Tower Mobility Anywhere High-Speed

6 Mobile Web 2.0 - Meshup Creating a new service Combining services
Open API Smart Phone PC Tablet Fig. 2 Data sharing by using Open API Creating a new service Combining services Use Open API Satellite pics from Google maps Book Info. from Amazon News from Bing

7 Case Study: Admob Mobile advertisement service
Location Based Advertisement System Analyze User Pattern Focused on Local Market Longtail Business Fig. 3. The coverage of local advertisement

8 Case Study: Amazon Biggest Online Bookstore Analyze User Pattern
Provide Mobile Site Provide Movile Native App Fig. 4 Mobile Web 2.0 Website and Native Application of Amazon

9 Message Center Project
Timeline Show All Messages Twitter, Facebook SMS, Compose Post it to all SNS Twitter, Facebook, IM At the same time Auto Posting Certain Area – “I’m at Penn station” Certain Time – “I go to bed” Fig. 5. Message Center for Android

10 Conclusion User-generated contents Location Based System Mobility
Mobile Meshup New Business Model

11 Questions?

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