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 By expecting different behaviors from people because they are male or female, society nudges boys and girls into separate directions from an early age.

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Presentation on theme: " By expecting different behaviors from people because they are male or female, society nudges boys and girls into separate directions from an early age."— Presentation transcript:


2  By expecting different behaviors from people because they are male or female, society nudges boys and girls into separate directions from an early age ◦ This foundation carries over into adulthood  “gender map”- our culture’s guidelines of what is appropriate for our sexes

3 Our parents are the first significant others who show us how to follow the gender map Studies had concluded that in US society, mothers unconsciously reward female children for being passive and dependent and male children for being active and independent In general, parents teach their children gender roles in subtle ways – With toys they buy, rules they set, and expectations they have

4  Gender socialization is reinforced as the child is exposed to other aspects of society ◦ Peer group is one of the most powerful  Friends, classmates, etc.

5  Mass media reinforces society’s expectations of gender ◦ TV- male characters outnumber females 2:1 and are more likely to be portrayed in higher statuses

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