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Factors Affecting M.D.. Factors Within the Individual  Developmental direction  Growth rate  Reciprocal interweaving.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors Affecting M.D.. Factors Within the Individual  Developmental direction  Growth rate  Reciprocal interweaving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors Affecting M.D.

2 Factors Within the Individual  Developmental direction  Growth rate  Reciprocal interweaving

3  Learning readiness  Critical vs. Sensitive periods  Individual differences  Phylogeny & ontogeny

4 Factors within Environment  Prematurity  Infant deprivation

5 Environment (ctd)  Infant bonding  Infant stimulation

6 Physical Task Factors  Premature –Low-birth weight –Young for date

7 Factors within Genetics & Environment

8 Physical Factors Within the Task

9 Socialization  What is it?  Social Roles

10 The Role of the Family  What role does the family play?

11  Are there traditional movement expectations for girls and boys ?

12 Social Influences during Adolescence  Peer Groups

13 Gender Role Identification and Movement Activity  Gender Role Identity

14 How influential is gender role identity?

15  Biological Sex vs. Gender

16 Act Like A Woman/ Act Like A Man

17  Stereotypes  Gender Stereotypes

18 Gender Role Identification (cont’d)  The Victorian Influence

19 Social Factors of Adulthood  What types of responsibilities do adults have that might influence their socialization?

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