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The University of Santiago de Compostela in numbers founded in 1495 one million square metres (82 buildings) 63 official degrees + doctoral programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Santiago de Compostela in numbers founded in 1495 one million square metres (82 buildings) 63 official degrees + doctoral programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Santiago de Compostela in numbers founded in 1495 one million square metres (82 buildings) 63 official degrees + doctoral programmes 30 -35,000 students 2200 lecturers (355 professors) 300 research groups 203 PhD thesis (2004) budget 253 M€ (2004)

2 Nuclear physics research at USC  Experimental Group of Nuclei and Particle (GENP) - 5 senior researchers, 1 postdoc, 6 PhD students and 2 technicians  Research projects: - Nuclear structure with exotic beams - Nuclear reactions (ADS reactions)  International collaborarions: - GSI, CERN(n_TOF), GANIL

3 Basic Nuclear Data for ADS at USC  Spallation experiments at GSI (J. Benlliure): Hindas FP-V  Fission experiments at CERN n_TOF (I. Durán): n_TOF FP-V GSI

4 USC in EUROTRANS-nudatra (subtask 5.4.1)  Objective - Determine the production of volatile elements in high-energy fission reactions produced in the spallation target - Address the remaining discrepancies on total fission cross sections in the 100-800 MeV energy range to fully understand this reaction mechanism (dynamics of fission at high excitation energy)  Methodology - Measure total fission cross sections and Z distributions of fission residues in reactions induced by 181 Ta, 208 Pb ( 238 U) at energies between 200 and 1000 A MeV on hydrogen

5 Subatomic physics research at USC  Particle physics department and Institute for High-energy physics - 32 researchers - 20 PhD students  Research projects: - High-energy physics: CERN - Astro-particle physics: Auger observatory - Nuclear physics

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