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Recap of 28 February. Workers Right Situations in Asia and Pacefiic - DPA Naidu Only four counties ratified the core conventions After globalisation more.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap of 28 February. Workers Right Situations in Asia and Pacefiic - DPA Naidu Only four counties ratified the core conventions After globalisation more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap of 28 February

2 Workers Right Situations in Asia and Pacefiic - DPA Naidu Only four counties ratified the core conventions After globalisation more and more violations ( Eg. Philippines,Malaysia) Decreased utilisation of ILO supervisory Mechanism

3 Reasons for not reporting/complaining Multiplicity of TUs Lack of awareness on ILO Mechanisms Sometimes don’t want to take up at international level

4 Challenges in New Areas EPZs ITES Difficult to organise ( Bangladesh EPZ advertising on No labour rights)

5 Constraints of TUs On Organising in the EPZs  Difficult to enter EPZ  Victimisation if unionised  Made to sign on blank paper  Workers in IT sector not interested to join unions

6 Constraints of TUs Informalisation of workforce Decreasing membership Financial constraints Lack of full time officials Lack of transparency No second level leadership

7 New Strategies ‘ National interest’ Vs Workers Rights May harm the prospect of having more FDI What can be the strategy ?

8 Best Practices of Utilisation of ILO Mechanisms Example TUCP project on EPZs

9 New leader for the week - Sylvia Recreation Team- Helen, Bhuvana, Choudhury, Mhon and Lee

10 Migrant Workers Right Migration not ‘export’ Labour is not a commodity Undocumented not ‘illegal’ Situations in different countries- Problems of Migration

11 Rights provided in Conventions and Recommendations Convention 97 Recommendation 100 Convention 143 Recommendation 151 For plantation workers Convention 110

12 Protection Before leaving and During Travel On Arrival During employment- Social and civil rights Repatriation

13 Who is a Migrant Worker “MIGRANT WORKER” means “ A person who migrants or who has migrated from one country to another with a view to being employed otherwise than on his own account and includes any person regularly admitted as a migrant for employment”

14 Exclusions Frontier workers Artists and members of liberal profession who comes for short visit Seafarers Self employed persons Persons come for training and education Persons come for Specific short term assignment Workers stay illegally

15 Applicable Rights Information Recruitment Contract Facilities on departure Medical attention Free travel Customs exemption Assistance in Finding job

16 Rights contd… During employment Wages and working condition Equality Job security Health and safety TU Rights Access to court Social and Civil Rights

17 Rights contd… Transfer of funds to the home country Family reunification visits Excemption on customs duties Special protection in Plantation

18 Ratifications Only 42 countries Many provisions outdated Declaration in 2004

19 Computer Lessons On Solicomm

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