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Update on Governance Therese McNulty CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES.

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1 Update on Governance Therese McNulty CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES

2 DfE changes to governance regulations & guidance DfE Governor’s Handbook Updated version January 2014. Annex A updates The School Governance Procedure (roles, Procedures and allowance) (England) Regulations 2013 DFE guidance finally produced for the ‘board’ of governors ! Link on EGFL Consultation on changes to governance composition regulations (maintained schools) ends 14 th March All GBs must reconstitute under 2012 Regulations by September 2015. All ‘appointed’ governors must be appointed based on skills needed Surplus governors no longer decided on by seniority – skills. Decided by GB (agenda item and vote) apart from foundation governors

3 Ofsted – January 2014 Inspectors must evaluate how well the GB evaluate the the performance of the school esp pupil progress, leadership of teaching, management of staff, difference made by initiatives – pupil premium, sport funding ‘Critical friend’ replaced with support and holding the headteacher/SLT to account for the achievement of pupils Governors are not routinely expected to be involved in the day to day activity of the school Governors are not expected to undertake lesson observations...however, they hold important strategic responsibilities for the development and improvement of the school Inspectors should meet as many governors as possible

4 LA Updates Governor Conference – What does outstanding governance mean? Wednesday 25 th June at Trail Finders 2-7pm to include governor awards Local leaders of governance/governor expertise Toolkit – updated on EGfL includes framework for governor review LA appointments/nominations revised process now in place (on EGfL)

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