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How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero is someone that helps others in their time of need. ( CNN hero clip)

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Presentation on theme: "How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero is someone that helps others in their time of need. ( CNN hero clip)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero is someone that helps others in their time of need. ( CNN hero clip)

2 How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Setting, conflicts and antagonists influence the development of heroes in that people that are put into a bad conflict or setting if they get out of the hard spot they are able to help people that are in a place that they were at one point in there life

3 How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? Bruno Serato reflected his culture and society by making spaghetti for the kids That he was feeding. (CNN hero clip)

4 How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Bruno represents his time period by saying that he went to his mother being that In his time parents were a larger part of a persons life. He also represented his Geographical area by making Italian food for the kids. (CNN hero Clip)

5 How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? The American people rewarded him by writing papers and putting him on Tv shows So he can then be seen for his work.

6 How did Bruno Serato get into being a chef? Bruno Serato’s family owned a hotel that had a restaurant that he helped With as a chief this was his first time being a chef. (Bruno Serato - Anaheim White House )Bruno Serato - Anaheim White House

7 What in Bruno seratos life got him to want to give these dinners? Going to a boys and girls club and seeing a boy eating a bag of chips upset him that he wasn’t eating healthy foods. This was when he started Feeding the kids.

8 What in Bruno seratos life got him to want to give these dinners? Bruno feels that no kid in America should go hungry he feels so strongly about This that to his mother in Italy he yelled I want to feed the children here in America. We should not have hungry children in our own backyard. It is time to do something about it.“ This shows that it was his own mind that wanted him to give these dinner. (CNN honors 'hero' from Anaheim)

9 Why do people trust Bruno Serato? People trust Bruno Serato because he is a chief known for his good cooking and all of his charity work. CNN website

10 How did Bruno Serato give these diners? (money ) Bruno Serato got $160,000 in contributions, 5,000 pounds of pasta and 3,000 pounds of tomato sauce for his charity. This was after his CNN special aired.

11 What is the childhood poverty rate like in the Anaheim Area The population in 2010 in Anaheim was 336,265 People under the age of 18 that in poverty is 27.3 % Females that are in poverty is about 50.3 % White persons is 52.7% Black persons 2.8% Foreign born persons is 38.3% ( US Census Bureau )

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