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Athletic Training Tim Amshoff AT Moore Traditional School Allied Health Instructor Sports Medicine Career Pathway.

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Presentation on theme: "Athletic Training Tim Amshoff AT Moore Traditional School Allied Health Instructor Sports Medicine Career Pathway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athletic Training Tim Amshoff AT Moore Traditional School Allied Health Instructor Sports Medicine Career Pathway

2 Competency 1 Students in the applied section of sports medicine are expected to perform skills without making errors that affect the process of patient performance. Competency skill check 1 is in regards to height, weight, pulse, breathing and blood pressure

3 Competency 1 The substitute teacher has a handout for you. This is your official competency checklist; if lost you will need another. This document will go into your binder behind your overall competency checklist.

4 Competency 1 You will be asked to perform these steps in order. It is necessary to have these steps performed in order. Memorizing the steps may be necessary to build confidence that you can perfrom without error or missing a step.

5 Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) Certified athletic trainers (ATCs) are unique health care providers who specialize in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses that occur to athletes and the physically active.

6 So, when doing a PRE-PARTICIPATION EXAM or during a RAPID ASSESSMENT you should be able to perform these skills ON-DEMAND.

7 Athletic Training Domains Prevention Recognition, Evaluation & Assessment Immediate Care Treatment, Rehabilitation & Reconditioning Organization & Administration Professional Development & Responsibility RECORDING INFORMATION

8 Certification Requirements Although not certifed in these skills…. Perfroming these skills are expected of all healthcare professionals at ANY level of training. This document provides evidence that you can demonstrate the responsible actions of someone in a healthcare job.

9 Employment Settings Professional Sports College University Athletics Secondary School Athletics Clinical Physical Therapy Outpatient & Hospital Corporate & Industrial Military

10 Athletic Training Student Aide ATSA – An “AIDE” vs “Student Athletic Trainer” Must Work Under the Direction of an ATC Opportunity to Become Involved in High School Activities Gateway to Career Opportunities

11 Take time to review the document. Make your own notes on the sheet; it shows knowledge; like a math problem. Practice the skills. Go through it alone first Then with a partner

12 considerations Make sure patient is in correct distance from eye chart –Research the distance if not remembered –WAIT on blood pressure until I return. I need to be here when doing this for first time again.

13 You will be asked to sign a document that you have read and agree to the competency list.

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