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IDPs and Returnees Profiling Joint IDP Profiling Service Presented by William Chemaly Geneva, August 10, 2010 Yemen, June 16-July 10.

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Presentation on theme: "IDPs and Returnees Profiling Joint IDP Profiling Service Presented by William Chemaly Geneva, August 10, 2010 Yemen, June 16-July 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDPs and Returnees Profiling Joint IDP Profiling Service Presented by William Chemaly Geneva, August 10, 2010 Yemen, June 16-July 10

2 Some Clarifications Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS)? Profiling? Yemen mission debriefing

3 Conflict Background Conflict: 2004 6 th round of war Ceasefire: 10-2-10 Return: GoY 60% Re-ignition: 27-7-10

4 Conflict Background 140 000 50 000 20 000 110 000 25 000 Multiple displacement Saudi Arabia Ceasefire Returnees 60% GoY Spontaneous return Relocation

5 Operational Background Categories of IDPs Numbers of IDPs Information Management System 1.Monitoring 2.Registration Operational structure 1.Cluster Approach 2.IDP Executive Unit 3.Other players Security and humanitarian space

6 Why Profiling ? RSG on HR of IDPs Core agreed upon dataset Gaps in the registration system Captures the transitional phase Prioritization of interventions and plans Cross-cutting / no duplication (based base) Time, geographic spread, cost Compatibility with cluster system Reliable, scientific and tested methods

7 Methodology The objectives: 1. Provide a baseline of information about: a. disaggregated numbers b. intentions and dynamics of return c. situation of those unwilling or unable to return. 2. Provide a more credible basis for planning of durable solutions and protracted displacement.

8 Methodology Players Project staff Geographic coverage Target population Data collection methods: 1- Household level survey 2- Community level focus group discussionCommunity level focus group discussion Time frame Questionnaire Database – Software

9 Total Sample Size SAHJSA IDPs Return R NR NA = 1900 150 250 700 100 700 Categories Camps Host Rent Camps Host Rent Camps Host Rent Host Rent Source 90 % Registration database 10 % verification lists Fixing Baseline 1- Simple random sampling from registration database and the collected verification lists 2- How to conduct the counting ?

10 Fixing Baseline Numbers 1 32 Camps Rural Urban Collect updated numbers of IDPs per camp from camp manager 1.Select affected/ accessible districts 2.Select 5 biggest villages 3.Collect numbers of total / IDP / Returnee pop. From key informants

11 H H M M M L L L L

12 Process Unit of Analysis: HouseholdList or Procedure Target Population: IDPs & Returnees in Yemen Sampling Frame: R / NR / NA 5 Governorates Actual Pop to which generalisation is made Method of selection List & numbers of target sample Target Sample Sample: people that Actually answered Response rate Generalization

13 Methodology Target population Not included in the sampling frame Not reachable Refuses to respond Unable to respond Sampled population Non Eligible Population

14 Methodology The methodology can be divided to two parts: 1.Household level survey 2.Community level focus group discussionCommunity level focus group discussion

15 Mission Achievements Coordination / collaboration Methodology and tools Implementation agreements Training Funding Facilitating factors Need for Profiling Buy-in / Cluster sys. Clarity on ownership Staff/Org competence Funding Registration Logistics Technical support

16 Challenges Momentum Security / instability Too many players Different players Coordination with the field Blocking the exercise for money issues Full invovment of different players Female enumerators Translation / Language Limited time 1 person mission

17 Current Situation

18 Final thoughts You get what you plan to get Registration and Profiling estimation methods Collaboration is key Profiling is flexible / adaptable / scientific


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