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On Boarding API Mariano Belaunde – Orange Labs Sample scenario for the Open Hack.

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Presentation on theme: "On Boarding API Mariano Belaunde – Orange Labs Sample scenario for the Open Hack."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Boarding API Mariano Belaunde – Orange Labs Sample scenario for the Open Hack

2 interne Orange2 On Boarding API: Sample scenario  The On Boarding API allows to automatize some aspects of the management of partnerships, such as the registration of new partners and related activities (agreement proposal and validation).  To illustrate the usage of the On Boarding API, we propose a sample scenario : a system providing information on musical events.

3 interne Orange3 Partnership definition step: The partnership type and the role types  To setup and manage a music event system we define a partnership type involving the following party role types: –Platform Supplier: A party hosting the event storage capacity and the portal to allow posting and consult musical events –Content Provider: cafe-concerts, theatres or individuals that will provide at any time new events –Developer: Individual or organization developing any kind of mobile apps to expose the events data. –End User: A registered end-user, that will be allowed to store its preferences in the system. –Advertisement provider: Organization providing the advertisements to be delivered in the portal or in the web apps. This partnership type and the corresponding party role types need to be created at initialization. Also for each party role types we create agreement specifications that will be instantiated as concrete agreements to be signed by the the involved parties.

4 interne Orange4 Initial Population Step: Creating the initial involved parties  Some organizations or individuals and the party role instanciations need to be created at the beginning: –« BestConcertsDotCom » This organization will play the Platform Supplier role (in fact the only one). –« The Dancing Fish» is a bar offering live-music concerts. He plays a Content Provider role. –« The Magic Square» is a public concert place. He plays a Content Provider role. –« Melodie Bardot» is an individual, a singer in a group of music. He plays a Content Provider role. –« BestMusicInstruments » is an organization that wants to promote its music instruments to the visitors of the portal. He plays the « Advertisement provider » role. –« The Magic Square» also wants to play an Advertising Provider role to promote his activity. Billing accounts are created for « advertisement providers » and « settlement accounts » are created for « container providers ».

5 interne Orange5 Normal Execution step: Registration and enrollment of new parties  A new organization « Metallic Surprise » wants to join the partnership: –The system propose him to select among the available role types: content provider, advertisement provider or developer. –He selects the content provider role. –He receives the agreement and signs it. –He receives the permission to connect to the platform as content provider. –He posts a list of events to the system. –Based on some obscure algorithm counting the number of clicks and the global advertisementr revenue, he receives after a while a notification that some payment has been done to its settlement account.

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