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Building climate resilience among the drylands communities of Tharparkar, Pakistan Tanveer Arif SCOPE Pakistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Building climate resilience among the drylands communities of Tharparkar, Pakistan Tanveer Arif SCOPE Pakistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building climate resilience among the drylands communities of Tharparkar, Pakistan Tanveer Arif SCOPE Pakistan

2 Context Tharparkar is a semi-arid dryland comprising in 22,000 sq. Km in the South-East of Pakistan The area is subjected to prolonged droughts, erratic rains and crop failures

3 Forest degradation Natural forest of Camiphora wigtii being degraded by over exploitation of gum

4 Desertification Deforestation Over grazing Over exploitation of soil Poor infrastructure

5 Impacts of extreme events Prolonged droughts Shortened monsoonal period Erratic rains Crop failure Malnutrition Heat waves Hundreds of deaths among children under 5

6 SCOPE’s interventions SCOPE is implementing a DLDD programme in Tharparkar since 2000 Livestock support Water infrastructure, water storages, water purification

7 Components of program Social mobilization Water conservation Introduction of drought resistant crops Rangeland management Agro-pastoral development Livestock support

8 Components

9 Water and kitchen gardens

10 Drought resistant crops

11 Livestock support

12 Training women in skill development

13 A PES climate Resilient project Restoration of Camiphora wightii dominant forest Reforestation of camiphora wightii Community compensated by cash payments, water infrastructure,

14 Reforestation Families are planting and caring shrubs in their common lands at 1000 hecters Plantation will be ready after 4 years for harvesting Gum will be marketed @ $ 10/Kg

15 Water reservoirs

16 Micro irrigation

17 Agro-pastoral development The “green patches approach” is to develop small plots with fodder trees, vegetation and crops in the desert, which provide resilience

18 Food security Small plots grow vegetable for families to ensure food security Kitchen gardens providing vegetables for entire family consumption

19 Outcomes Reduction in migration Resilience against drought Food security situation improved High income expected from gum plantations

20 Thanks Think Globally, Act locally

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