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A guide to completing your Scientific Method Booklet!

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Presentation on theme: "A guide to completing your Scientific Method Booklet!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A guide to completing your Scientific Method Booklet!
Penny Lab A guide to completing your Scientific Method Booklet!

2 Page 1: Title Page You Need… Title (that relates to the lab) Your Name
Partner’s Name Section Due Date

3 Example Title: Penny Lab Name: Shelly Flynn Partner: Jane Dolan
Section: 7-6 Due: September 30, 2014

4 Page 2: Research You need…
Problem Statement (what you are trying to figure out) Research (background information) At least two facts with citations Name of article, book, or web link

5 Example Problem Statement: Research:
How many drops can fit on a penny? Research: Pennies are made of copper. ( Pennies are round. (

6 Page 3: Hypothesis You need…
Your Hypothesis (guess for what will happen) If (I do this), then (this will happen) because (of this reason).

7 Example Hypothesis: If I use different liquids to drop onto the penny, then the number of drops the penny can hold will be different because the different liquids act differently.

8 Page 4: Procedure You need…
Safety: What do you need to be careful with? Set Up Sketch: Show how the equipment was set up for the lab (drawing). Procedure: Steps we took. Clean Up: What do you have to do to clean up?

9 Example Safety: Always use goggles. Set Up Sketch: Procedure:
Put on goggles. Place a piece of paper under the penny. Place the penny tails side up. Clean Up: Rinse all pennies under cold water. Rinse all droppers.

10 Page 5: Data Collection You need… Two Data Tables: Your Observations:
Your Data and Data from three other groups Your Observations: What you saw Sketches (drawings) of what you observed

11 Example Data Tables: Observations: We noticed that the pennies held more water than expected. Sketches:

12 Page 6: Analysis You need…
Two Bar Graphs: One for your data and the data of the three groups you observed. Inferences: What can you figure out from the graphs?

13 Example Two Bar Graphs:
Inferences: We could fit more water drops on the penny than alcohol drops.

14 Page 7: Conclusion (1 of 2) You need… A Conclusion:
Restate the Problem Explain whether your results agree or disagree with your hypothesis (your original guess).

15 Example Conclusion: Problem: How many drops can fit on a penny?
Water = 15 drops Alcohol = 12 drops My hypothesis was correct as the number of drops depended on the liquid we used.

16 Page 7: Conclusion (2 of 2) You need… List any Errors you faced
Two Questions you still want to know New and Cool: What is one thing you learned? What did you think was cool?

17 Example Errors: Questions: New and Cool: We did not count right.
The dropper was sticking. Questions: What if we used a quarter instead of a penny? What is the highest number of drops anyone ever counted? New and Cool: I learned how to graph data. I thought the eye dropper was cool.

18 Page 8: Back Cover You can use this if you need more room for any other pages OR Have some fun and be creative….never leave it blank!

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