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Benchmarking : Deprivation Indicators Kirsty MacLachlan.

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmarking : Deprivation Indicators Kirsty MacLachlan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmarking : Deprivation Indicators Kirsty MacLachlan

2 Aim of the project To investigate indicators for use in benchmarking of attainment of pupils in schools

3 Factors influencing attainment Literature search being done Mothers’ qualifications Socio-economic characteristics Deprivation Need measures which capture the characteristics of pupils not the school

4 Current methodology FME –Relates to pupils actually at the school –Nos. registered plus no. estimated to be entitled –Consistent measure across the country?

5 Whole School Attainment - comparison with similar schools (WS/SS) FME used as the basis of comparison list of 20 'similar' schools tables and box plots for 19 attainment measures school's placing relative to similar schools summary statements for each measure - eg overall the school performed better than/poorer than/in line with other schools with similar characteristics

6 Box Plots - a graphical approach to presenting comparator information upper quartile lower quartile maximum minimum median Covers 50% of comparator schools 

7 Box Plots


9 Comparison of attainment nationally % S4 roll attaining 5+ @ level 5+ by end of S6 (2000-2002)

10 Current developments Data now available from GRO(S) 2001 census of population New travel to study question -> origin and destination postcode Identifies pupils attending recognised school postcodes Information available inter alia on –mothers’ qualification –Socio-economic classification

11 Data problems Schools/postcodeSecondaryPrimarySpecial Single school3161893- Multiple schools12116057 All schools437205357 Incorrect postcodes Multiple schools/postcode

12 Relationship between mothers qualification and FME Correlation with 2001 FME SecondaryPrimary % degree-0.71-0.66 % no qualification 0.890.85

13 Variation in correlation between % mothers with no qualification and FME Correlation with 2001 FME Secondary No of EAs Primary No of EAs >= 0.9153 0.8 & < 0.9129 0.7 & < 0.8210 0.6 & < 0.705 < 0.625

14 Relationship between socio- economic classification and FME Correlation with 2001 FMESecondaryPrimary 1. % large employers-0.61-0.55 1-2 % higher professional occupations + -0.66-0.61 1-3 % managerial-0.75-0.72 % never worked/long term unemployed 0.910.84

15 Relationship between secondary attainment and GRO census indicators Correlation % attaining 5+ @ level 5+ by end of S4 % attaining 3+ @ level 6+ by end of S5 2001200320012003 % no quals-0.79-0.78-0.80-0.77 % never worked -0.67-0.65-0.64-0.63


17 Next steps? Disentangle multiple schools/postcode Investigate relationships between census variables and FME at primary level Investigate reasons for differences in relationships between FME and no quals at EA level Other ideas?

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