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Update on Satellite Proving Ground Activities at the Operations Proving Ground Chad Gravelle GOES-R/JPSS All-Hands Call – 20 Jan 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Satellite Proving Ground Activities at the Operations Proving Ground Chad Gravelle GOES-R/JPSS All-Hands Call – 20 Jan 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Satellite Proving Ground Activities at the Operations Proving Ground Chad Gravelle GOES-R/JPSS All-Hands Call – 20 Jan 2016

2 Upcoming OPG GOES-R ABI/RGB Operational Impact Evaluation Evaluating Operational Applications of Multiple Spectral Bands for the GOES-R Era Supported by NWS STI and Regional SSDs Evaluation Goals… 1. Gain insight into which spectral bands, channel differences, and/or multispectral imagery (i.e., RGB recipes) offer operational value in the opinions of participating forecasters. 2. Assess forecasters’ ability to understand and interpret RGB imagery for various diagnostic tasks. 3. Experiment with various display procedures and decision making processes in an effort to identify alternative concepts of operations and effective practices for enhancing situational intelligence when using imagery from the ABI/AHI. 4. Evaluate whether local dynamic generation of pre-defined RGB recipes has negative impact on system performance and/or forecaster workflow.

3 Upcoming OPG GOES-R ABI/RGB Operational Impact Evaluation 5. Obtain feedback on the usefulness and effectiveness of NASA SPoRT’s AWIPS Just-In-Time training capability. 6. Discuss and gather feedback on the usefulness and practical value of existing ABI/AHI training resources for the GOES-R era. This goal will focus on some of the existing Quick Guides and Articulate/YouTube instructional videos. 7. Provide GOES-R multispectral application-based training recommendations to the Office of the Chief Learning Officer (OCLO) and the NWS Operations Advisory Team (NOAT). Forecasters will complete simulations that investigate applications for each of the following: –Fog and Low Stratus –Dust –Wildfire Behavior and Smoke –Air Quality –Mid-Latitude Cyclone Evolution –Convection –Snow and Ice

4 Upcoming OPG GOES-R ABI/RGB Operational Impact Evaluation Nine forecasters are currently funded for the evaluation taking place this March and April 2016. Simulations will focus on identifying weather hazards in mid- and high-latitude regions. Therefore, we are requesting forecasters who represent CONUS (2 from each Region) and Alaska (1) Regions. Follow-On Week in June or July for three forecasters with color vision deficiency.

5 Other Upcoming OPG GOES-R Evaluations/Readiness Nine Continued Support of NWS Forecast Office Satellite User Readiness - NWS Central and Eastern Region Evaluation of the ProbSevere Model for Severe Storm Situational Awareness – Begins March 2016 Assessing End-to-End Integration and Impact of GOES-R Data for Day 1 User Readiness (Late Summer 2016) Utility of the NUCAPS Sounder Profile with Boundary Layer Adjustment Algorithm for NWS Forecasting Applications (Summer 2017)


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