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Kinetic Properties (see Chapter 2 in Shaw, pp. 21-45) Sedimentation and Creaming: Stokes’ Law Brownian Motion and Diffusion Osmotic Pressure Next lecture:

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1 Kinetic Properties (see Chapter 2 in Shaw, pp. 21-45) Sedimentation and Creaming: Stokes’ Law Brownian Motion and Diffusion Osmotic Pressure Next lecture: Experimental Methods Centrifugal Sedimentation (Chapter 2) Light Scattering (Chapter 3)

2 11 22 FgFg FbFb FvFv g  2 >  1 sedimentation  2 <  1 creaming Now we need to find an expression for f... Gravitation and Sedimentation: Stokes’ Law Independent of shape No solvation (which changes the density)

3 Stokes’ Law Assumptions: Spherical particles, (no solvation) Particle size much larger than size of particles making up the medium (i.e.much larger than solvent molecules) Infinitely dilute solution Particles travelling slowly (no turbulence)

4 Effects of Non-Sphericity & Solvation absorbs solvent m increases measured f increases Solvation Non-sphericity dry absorbs solvent R s increases measured f increases ideal particle of radius R s sphere excluded by tumbling ellipsoid of same volume is larger R s increases measured f increases

5 Consider quantitatively The actual measured friction factor The ideal friction factor: unsolvated sphere given by Stokes’ law as Minimum possible value of f friction factor for spherical particle having same volume as solvated one of mass m Ratio measuring increase due to asymmetry Ratio measuring increase due to solvation

6 Analyses also exist for the asymmetry contribution but are complex. Sedimentation allows for unambiguous particle mass determination, and upper limits on size and shape. mass of bound solvent

7 Furthermore, if intrinsic viscosity measurements are also performed we can determine unambiguously particle hydration and axis ratio

8 Brownian Motion and Diffusion All suspended particles have kinetic energy 1/2mv 2 = 3/2kT. Smaller the particle, the faster is moves. Moving particles trace out a complex and random path in solution as they hit other particles or walls--Brownian motion (Robert Brown, 1828). Average distance travelled by a particle:

9 Diffusion - tendency for particles to move from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration.  S > 0, second law of thermodymanics Two laws govern diffusion: From these laws, we may derive (text) Einstein’s law of diffusion (pp.27-29) Fick’s first lawFick’s second law A dm c x

10 No assumptions! Any particle shape or size. D and f determined experimentally Stokes-Einstein equation Assumes spheres No solvation Original use: --finding Avogadro’s number! Note the two are complementary: measurement of diffusion coefficient gives a friction factor with NO assumptions: can determine particle masses

11 Competition between sedimentation and diffusion Note tables 2.1 and 2.2 in the text At particle sizes ca. 10 -7 m radius (0.1  m) the sedimentation is perturbed to a significant step by Brownian motion: i.e particles of this size don’t sediment. Spheres of  2 = 2.0 g/cm 3 in water at 20 o C

12 Experimental Methods Diffusion Constants: Free boundary method Must thermostat (no convection effects) Must remove any mechanical vibration x cdc/dx 0

13 Porous Plug Method

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