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Chapter 7 Section 4 & 5 Monday 4/14/2008 Similar Polygons.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Section 4 & 5 Monday 4/14/2008 Similar Polygons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Section 4 & 5 Monday 4/14/2008 Similar Polygons

2 Warm Up Monday 4/14/08 Core Assessment You need a pencil and a calculator only on your desk. You will have 35 minutes. All work and answers need to be written legibly on notebook paper.

3 p. 250 1.always2. sometimes3. sometimes 4.sometimes 5. always 6. sometimes 7.Sometimes 8. sometimes 9. always 10. Sometimes 11. never12. never 13. Sometimes14. always 15.4:5 16.Trapezoid; T’U’//E’N’ 17.13518. 4519. 12 20.2021. 4k22. 4:5 23. Property 2, more than 2 ratios 24. x=28, y= 24, z=36 25. x=8, y= 18, z=12 26. x=30, y= 24, z=20√3 27.x=6¼, y=6⅔, z=5 Homework Answers

4 Working with Similar Triangles

5 Similarity Postulates AA Similarity Postulate If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar. 2 1

6 Similarity Postulates SAS Similarity Postulate If an angle of one triangle is congruent to an angle of another triangle and the sides including those angles are proportional, then the triangles are similar. A E D C B AD = 6, AE = 8, DC = 3, EB = 4,

7 Similarity Postulates SSS Similarity Postulate If the sides of two triangles are in proportion, then the triangles are similar. A E D C B AD = 6, AE = 8, DE = 7 DC = 3, EB = 4, CB = 10.5

8 Class Work p. 264 – 265 p. 256 #13

9 HW Due Tuesday Written Exercises p. 257-258 1-13, 16 and p. 266 1-10

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