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Electrical Circuits Parts of a simple circuit: Wire Load

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1 Electrical Circuits Parts of a simple circuit: Wire Load
Power Source--- _________________ Switch

2 Power source: AC or DC Alternating Current– flow of electric charge that regularly reverses its direction. generated from outlets Direct Current– charge flows in one direction. generated from __________________

3 Open Circuit vs. Closed Circuit
When switch is open, there is no voltage difference and NO CURRENT WILL FLOW. A circuit must have a complete path from positive to __________________ electrodes for current to flow. Light switch: when it is ON, it has a(n) __________ circuit, when it is OFF, it has a(n) ________________ circuit.

4 Types of Circuits Series Circuit The parts are wired one after another
Example: old christmas tree lights If one light goes out All go out One load effects the current in the loads after it. (example– lights will get dimmer one after another)

5 Types of Circuit Parallel Circuit
the electricity has more than one path it can travel. Examples: used in cars, houses, most everything If one light bulb (or load) goes out, the rest stay on All light bulbs stay equally light because each has its own pathway

6 Circuit Safety Features
Electrical energy enters your home at the circuit breaker or fuse box and branches out to wall sockets, major appliances and lights. Electric fuse- A safety device that detects too much current in a circuit. A fuse often has a component that melts and opens the circuit. Found in Cars, boats and Big appliances

7 Circuit Safety Features
Circuit Breakers A safety device that detects too much current in a circuit. A circuit breaker often contains a bimetallic strip that bends and trips a switch that opens a circuit. Found in Houses

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