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Environmental representative Certification against the international standard ISO 14001 Environmental certification now Environmental work at department.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental representative Certification against the international standard ISO 14001 Environmental certification now Environmental work at department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental representative Certification against the international standard ISO 14001 Environmental certification now Environmental work at department level Environmental coordination meeting Inform about and participate in external and internal audit Information about environmental deviation, objectives routines Update routines Establish new routines Nonconformities Suggest for improvements

2 Environmental representative Information mail regarding the progress of the certification in Ull Mail regarding what we are obligated to know and to comply to maintain the certification We have the certificate and now we need to comply

3 Environmental representative So, now for thoose who have carefully read my mail…. Do you know our environmental ojectives??….

4 Environmental representative 1. On our own properties, save energy by at least 1 % per m 2 and year 2. Decrease emissions of CO 2 from domestic air travel 3. Decrease environmental impact through the food that is bought and served at conferences and meetings! 4. Decrease environmental impact through the divisions cars.

5 What is a nonconformities and what should I do if I see one ? If we dont comply with our routines we have a nonconformity. Report if you see one!

6 Where can I find our routines and where do I report a nonconformity? Our routines can be found here hus-for-anstallda/for-anstallda-i-ulls-hus/miljo/miljohandboken// Report nonconformity and suggestion for improvement hereälan%20miljöärende n.aspx If you cant reach the system report to your manager or environmental representative so they can help you.

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