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《高级英语》 精品课程 第二册 制作人: 徐李洁. Unit Six Disappearing Through the Skylight --C.B Hardison.

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Presentation on theme: "《高级英语》 精品课程 第二册 制作人: 徐李洁. Unit Six Disappearing Through the Skylight --C.B Hardison."— Presentation transcript:

1 《高级英语》 精品课程 第二册 制作人: 徐李洁

2 Unit Six Disappearing Through the Skylight --C.B Hardison

3 Objectives of teaching: To know the features of scientific writing. To analyse the structure of the text. To understand the deeper meaning of the text. To appreciate the language features

4 1) The author O.B. Hardison, Jr. (1928 -1990) was born in San Diego, California in 1928. He was educated at the University of North Carolina and the University of Wisconsin. He has taught in Princeton and the University of North Carolina. He is the author of Lyrics and Elegies (1958), The Enduring Monument (1962), English Literary Criticism: The Renaissance (1964), Toward Freedom and Dignity: The Humanities and the Idea of Humanity (1973), Entering the Maze: Identity and Change in Modern Culture (1981) and Disappearing Through the Skylight (1980).

5 2) The title Disappearing Through the Skylight is not only the title of this chapter but also the title of the book. The book, also has a sub-title, “Culture and Technology in the Twentieth Century”. “This book is about the ways culture has changed in the past century, changing the identities of all those born into it. Its metaphor for the effect of change on culture is disappearance”. As for the “disappearance”, he says, “In the nineteenth century, science presented nature as a group of objects set comfortably and solidly in the middle distance before the eyes of the beholder….Today, nature has slipped, perhaps finally, beyond our field of vision.”

6 II. Theme of the passage The central theme of this passage is “disappearance” --- nature disappears, history disappears, and even the solid banks disappears. The metaphorical phrase “Disappearing Through the Skylight” is used to describe the changed appearance of modern banks which seem to be disappearing.

7 Another important idea the author puts forward is the universalizing tendency of science and technology. The basic concepts of science are understood, accepted and adopted by scientists all over the world. There is only one science of thermodynamics, genetics, etc.

8 The third concept is, “If man creates machines, machines in turn shape their creators.” The modern man is no longer a unique individual, the product of a special environment and culture. The homogeneous world he now lives in universalizes him. He becomes a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world.

9 Finally, the disappearance of history is a form of liberation and this feeling of liberation is often expressed through play. The playfulness of science has produced game theory and virtual particles, in art it has produced the paintings of Picasso and Joan Miro and so on.

10 III. Stylistic features Scientific English. This passage uses a lot of scientific and technological terms. Most sentences are short and to the point. The simple present tense is used to express a universal statement. The language of this passage is clear, concise, objective and logical.

11 IV. Rhetorical devices Meanwhile, the author uses figurative language to make his ideas more vivid and forceful. Metaphor Analogy Rhetorical question Repetition Balanced structure

12 V. Organizational pattern The whole material is clearly and logically organized. The author’s views are presented at the beginning of a paragraph: science is committed to the universal and developed or illustrated in the paragraph itself or by succeeding paragraphs. Major examples 1) automobile industry (para 2—8) 2) modern art (para 9—13) 3) modern culture (para.14-15) 4) architect of banks (16—19)

13 VI. Questions for discussion How does the author substantiate his statement that science is committed to the universal? How does technology exhibit this universalizing tendency? How has man become cosmopolitan? Why does the banks appear to be disappearing through their own skylights?

14 Francis Picabia *6image-1,2 picabia*

15 Francis Picabia


17 Marcel Duchamp *6image-345duchamp




21 Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 *6image-6.7picasso

22 Three Musicians

23 Guernica

24 Joan Miro 1893-1983 *6image-8miro village


26 Dada



29 Collage city A city that is a rich mixture of styles. *6image-12-14*





34 Leonardo ’ s self-portrait *6image-16leonardo ’ s self-potrait* *6image-17leonardomonalisa*



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