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Do Now  Write on your notes page: When you think of a psychologist, what mental images immediately appear?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now  Write on your notes page: When you think of a psychologist, what mental images immediately appear?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now  Write on your notes page: When you think of a psychologist, what mental images immediately appear?

2 What do Psychologists do?  About 2/3 of psychologists are clinical psychologists and are interested in helping people with behavioral problems.  Not just one-on-one work with clients, also work in hospitals, clinics, schools, prisons, etc.  Often confused with psychiatrists.  Difference – psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe drugs and give physical exams. Most are trained in a narrow therapeutic orientation, typically psychoanalysis.

3 What do Psychologists do? (cont’d.)  The remaining 1/3 fit the general label of experimental psychologist.  Study human behavior from a scientific perspective.  Often work and teach at universities.  Also work in research institutes for the government and are increasingly finding employment in other industries.

4 Psychology Foundations Terms and Theories

5 Critical Terms for Studying Psychology  Psychology – the scientific study of behavior that is tested through scientific research.  Psychology can be broken up into 2 main categories:  Physiological – dealing with the organism’s physical processes. Examples:  Cognitive – dealing with an organism’s thinking and understanding. Examples:

6 Psychologists will seek to influence behavior in one of two ways:  Basic Science – Research, trying to learn new things about behavior. Examples:  Applied Science – Using what we already know to solve problems. Examples:

7 An Example of Basic Science and Applied Science Interacting: SSSScientist A uses scientific research to discover that babies raised in institutions such as orphanages may become seriously delayed in their development (emotionally, physically, intellectually). Basic or Applied? BBBBasic

8  A scientists uses the findings of Scientist A to counsel administrators in an orphanage. He arranges for more visual stimulation in the rooms and develops ways to give the babies more social interaction. Basic or Applied?  Applied

9 Reflection  Write a paragraph on why is it important that both basic and applied science are consistently practiced by psychologists?

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