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Bioethics Lesson #4. More about Dennis  More facts in the case  Progress of Dennis’s treatment  Gathering of Dennis’s religious group  Hospital policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioethics Lesson #4. More about Dennis  More facts in the case  Progress of Dennis’s treatment  Gathering of Dennis’s religious group  Hospital policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioethics Lesson #4

2 More about Dennis  More facts in the case  Progress of Dennis’s treatment  Gathering of Dennis’s religious group  Hospital policy regarding emergency transfusions  Follow-up to transfusion

3 Justifying your decision  Should Dennis be allowed to reject medical treatments that would save his life?  Jot down your answer for future use

4 Justification  Decision is only as strong as it’s justification  Justification is based on the evidence used to support the decision (claim)

5 Weak justification  Based on opinion  Rely on “feeling”  No facts or science to support  Has cultural bias  Either not relevant or not logically connected to the case

6 Silent Debate – “Should students be required to wear uniforms?”  Work in pairs  One student is “for” one student is “against”  No talking – argue the point by writing your position/reason/evidence on paper  Pass paper back and forth

7 Debrief the Silent Debate  At end of “debate” each student finds the strongest argument made by the other person  Class sharing of strong arguments  Were any of the arguments based on the bioethics principles?

8 What makes a Strong Justification  Clearly stated  Reference to important facts/science  Reference to Principle of Bioethics  Consideration of how others will be impacted  Consideration of strengths and weaknesses of other arguments

9 What are the options  Brainstorm possible options and record on the board

10 Justifying your answer  Handout 4.1 & 4.2  Read through the A-E on 4.1  We will evaluate “A” together  Use the Table on 4.2 to record our evaluation  Evaluate B-E on your own  Share and discuss the evaluations

11 Writing a Justification  Graded activity ( Class Participation)  Using Handout 4.3, write your Decision( review what you wrote earilier) and Justification for “Dennis’s Decision”

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