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How to reduce food waste in schools

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1 How to reduce food waste in schools
By: FLL Team Einsteins #3479

2 Why reduce food waste? A study has shown that by 2050 we could run out of vegetation because of consumption, pollution, global warming, and spoils. It is important to save food now before 2050 so it does not happen sooner People are hungry even though some people throw away their lunch every day. It is sad!


4 Lunch Selection BEFORE School
Matrix of Choices Lunch Selection BEFORE School Select from a list the lunch staff makes each morning BEFORE school. If you packed your lunch pick brought lunch. Only get what you picked Then, food is saved! Repeat every day!

5 Restocking Food  Create an area with bins to collect food that can be restocked. Gather any food that is not eaten and can be restocked into bins. This could be unopened packaged food or drinks or fruit. Examples are: Chips in bags, milk, banana, Refrigerate as needed Reuse the next school day

6 How to Compost Save any leftover fruit/veggie scraps. EX) banana peels, apple cores, corn husks, Etc.  Buy a compost bin. (suggested stores: Lowes, Home Depot, Amazon)  Put scraps into the compost bin add soil, leaves, worms, and anything else that can help decompose.  Tumble the bin every month.  Do this for about ONE YEAR or until it is soil like then add to your garden or plants.  Repeat-Step 3 and 4

7   Have an ort can that is sorted
Ort is wasted food Food that is not consumed can be put in separate buckets You can donate food to homeless or give to animals Food is saved

8 Step 1

9 Pictures

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